Unveiling of the embarrassments with subsequent surprise

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I don't feel addressed and look up at Whitebeard. He'd better explain, Marco's just roasting me. But before we can say anything, Marco sniffs the air and his arms flame up, giving me that blank look again. "Father!" I warn as Marco is about to fly off again towards the island. Whitebeard snatches his son out of the air, looking slightly apathetic. "Cast off!" gives Whitebeard the command, which is immediately obeyed. He also holds the phoenix tightly. "Don't let go until we're out of scent range!" says Doc, annoyed. "We didn't think so!" I say sarcastically, whereupon I also immediately get a nasty look. Ace puts his arms around me and cuddles up to me. "Need a cuddle?" I ask him. He grins broadly at me and jokes, "I have some catching up to do. Marco stole you, after all!" I raise my eyebrows and say, "You do realise that I'm not an object, if anything it was a kidnapping!" Ace chuckles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I put my hand on Ace's hands, which are once again on my belly. His daughter greets him directly too, kicking my stomach.

After a while Marco calms down and his eyes clear again. He groans and grabs his head. "My head!" complains Marco. I giggle and turn around in Ace's arms so Marco doesn't see. Ace rests his chin on the top of my head. "You're quite the gloater!" says Ace with amusement. "When do you get the chance to laugh at the chicken!" I reply with a smirk. I feel Ace's chest vibrate as he tries to stifle his laughter. "Ok honestly what happened?" he asks as Whitebeard puts him down. I laugh out loud, this is just too much. "Lucia is it your fault?" asks Marco growling and coming towards me. I quickly turn to Marco and raise my hands in front of me in defense. "This time it's all your own fault, I swear!" I defend myself, but I can't stop giggling. "She is right, my child, this time she is innocent," Whitebeard explains. What's that about this time please? It sounds like I'm usually to blame when Marco gets upset and quite honestly I'm only forty-five percent to blame! Ace has another forty-five percent and the last ten percent goes to the crew! "What happened then?" asks Marco, slightly offended. Too bad you can't give me a dramatic punishment this time, you backup cutlet!

The Doc explains to Marco what actually happened, while I laugh my head off at his expression. Marco's face is contorted in horror and he turns alternately red, green and white. At the end of the story, Marco slaps his hands in front of his face and his shoulders slump forward. I walk up to him and try to pull his hands out of his face and look at him. "Are you still alive?" I ask, looking past his hands at an angle. Marco looks at me agonisedly from behind his hands. I smile happily at him. "You're having fun what?" he asks me, closing his eyes. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hug him to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and whisper in his ear, "I'm glad you're okay again!" Marco hugs me too and then pushes me off him. "Off to Ace!" says Marco and turns me around. Then he gives me a little push that sends me into Ace's arms. I look up at Ace's face and he grins at Marco. "You know, Marco, we've collected evidence so that you know what you've done," says Ace gleefully. Ohh! I break free of Ace and go to find a safe place, because Marco will soon figure out that it was my doing. At least at first.

Quickly I go to Whitebeard and raise my arms to signal him that I want to sit on his lap. He laughs loudly and lifts me up while one of the men brings the camera to Marco. "Escape, my daughter?" the old man asks me. I look up at him and reply smiling broadly, "No father, that's called an orderly retreat!" he laughs loudly as I look at the two men. Lying down on my side, I look at it as Marco stares at the camera. Ace is holding it himself so Marco doesn't accidentally destroy it. He stares at it and his mouth opens and closes. His face reminds me of a tomato. Well, a pineapple tomato. Marco goes to reach for the camera and Ace pulls it away. Laughing, Ace runs away from Marco, who wants to destroy the evidence. "ACE GIVE ME THAT THING!" he hisses. I snort up here in my high seat. "Why are you embarrassed about how much you love Lucia?" asks Ace laughing. The crew laugh loudly and watch the game of tag. Marco changes into his half phoenix form and quickly catches up with Ace. "FRAUD!" I shout loudly. "Shut up, you disaster!" nags Marco to me. Uh, I think he's in a bad mood! I smile gloatingly. "Be nice!" I hear Whitebeard say, putting his huge hand on my head. "Do I have to?" I ask gloatingly, which makes the old man grin.

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