Final Special Chapter Roger

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Roger wakes up and feels strange at first. Somehow unsteady and clumsy. He stretches extensively and notices that his movements are rather awkward. Yawning, he raises his fist to his mouth. But it is not his own. This one is small and still covered in baby fat. "What the hell?" Roger wanted to ask, but all that comes out is muttering and cooing. What the hell happened here? Did he run into some devil fruit user? Or did he drink too much and is now hallucinating?

Suddenly a big face appears in front of Roger. "Well, little one, are you awake?" a strange face asks Roger. With a little imagination it looks like a pineapple. "Who are you?" Roger wants to ask, but the problem is that again only baby sounds leave the Pirate King's mouth. The other man slides his hand under Roger's body and gently lifts him up. Roger babbles and tries to say a decent sentence, but it doesn't work. His stomach growls and Roger feels the need to cry. But why, please? He's a grown man, surely he's not going to cry like a baby! Despite all the good concessions, Roger starts crying. The man gives Roger a reassuring hug.

Roger would like to complain that he is not a baby, but all that comes out is babble. Roger hits the man's chest with his fist, but he just smiles at him. "Come on, let's take you to Mummy and Daddy and then we'll give you something to eat!" says the pineapple guy and strokes Roger on the head. Why does he treat him like a baby? And what do you mean by mummy and daddy? Roger wants to complain, but only whiny sounds come out of his mouth. "Don't cry Rouge!" says the pineapple man, rocking Roger back and forth. What the hell is going on here? The man leaves the room and Roger catches a glimpse of a lovingly decorated nursery. Where on earth has he ended up here and what has happened?

The man walks through the corridors with Roger in his arms and tries to calm the crying Roger. "Don't cry, you'll get something to eat soon. You're worse than your father!" the man says, sounding very affectionate. After a while, the man pushes open the door and steps onto the deck of a ship. This is the Moby Dick! Roger tries to turn his head a little to catch a glimpse. Roger recognises Whitebeard, sitting on his throne and drinking alcohol. "Where's Ace or Lucia?" asks the pineapple man to the group. "Here I am!" comes a voice he knows. Wait a minute, that's his son's voice from the future! Has Roger seriously landed in the future now? And why the hell is he a baby.

"Look, there's Daddy!" says Roger's carrier. "There's my little girl!" says Ace, taking Roger from the pineapple man's arms. Ace gives Roger a kiss on the forehead. Roger's stomach growls loudly and the pineapple man laughs loudly. "Your daughter needs to be fed, Ace!" the pineapple man admonishes. "I'll do it right away, Marco!" says Ace, looking lovingly at Roger. Wait a minute, is his son just talking about having a daughter? Does that mean something like Roger is in the future and then in his granddaughter's body too?

Rayleigh's right! Roger really does manage to attract trouble. And what's worse, he's hungry! And somehow Roger doubts that anyone will give him food. Well, real food with lots of meat! "Here Ace!" says an unknown man and hands Ace a bottle. "Thank you!" says Ace quickly and wants to give Roger the bottle. "Ace haven't you forgotten something?" asks Marco. "What?" asks Ace. Suddenly he hears Lucia's voice. "Shall I breastfeed her?" she apparently asks Ace. Don't!

Roger starts to whine. They'd better not actually do that! Roger feels his face turning red. "Marco, can you call the doc? I think Rouge has a fever!" he hears his son's worried voice. He's not sick, he just doesn't want to touch his daughter-in-law's breast! "Try feeding her!" says Marco worriedly, stroking Roger's forehead. Ace holds the bottle out to Roger. Roger briefly considers refusing, but his stomach reminds him that he hasn't eaten yet, so he deigns to take the bottle. As he sucks on the bottle and finally satisfies his hunger, he sees Lucia's face appear in his field of vision. She puts a hand on his forehead. "Hmm she's a bit warm, but she doesn't seem to have a fever! Still, the doc should take a look at her!" she says to Ace. Roger feels a little teased. He's not a baby anymore! Well, he is now, but still!

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