A video message for Marco

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Lucia's POV

I wake up jumpy. Confused, I look around to find out what woke me up. I yawn and look at Ace, who is also looking around in confusion. What has woken us up now? I turn over lazily, fully intending to sleep a little longer. Then I hear a bang and excited voices from downstairs. Male voices. That must mean my brothers have appeared on the scene. Caustically, I hide my face in the pillow. I have no need for my brothers. Ace growls and pulls me towards him. "I don't want to!" I whine, resting my face on his chest. "If your brothers are like mine, then they don't care at all!" he tells me. I sigh. Maybe I still have a reprieve. No sooner have I thought this than I hear a pattering on the stairs. "And there goes the beautiful peace!" I say disappointedly. I'm not even really awake yet! But unfortunately Nico isn't interested at all. Why Nico? He just throws the door against the wall with a huge crash and wants to jump onto the bed with all his might.

Unfortunately for him, Ace objects and simply lifts his right leg, sending Nico crashing to the floor. I grin leaning against Ace's chest and ignore my whining brother. I turn lazily to the edge of the bed and look down at Nico, who is rubbing his rump. It's his own fault, I think to myself. "Hello!" I say gloatingly and get a nasty look. Well, his bad luck. I turn back to Ace and settle back into his arms, which he acknowledges with a grumble. "I've got two more of these!" I say, yawning. "You make it sound like we're a nuisance!" says Nico in a huff, which both Ace and I ignore. "We have to get up!" I say, Ace just grumbles and Nico whines that we shouldn't ignore him. Ace sits up, pulling me along so easily. Then he stretches his arms upwards, yawning. I have to stifle a laugh when I see him looking provocatively at Nico and then finally getting up. He has more motivation than I do, as I sink back into the pillows.

The problem is that Ace is a stubborn guy and just drags me out of bed. "Ace I don't want to!" I whine and try to wriggle out of his arms back into my bed. "Does this have anything to do with you being pregnant and not wanting to tell your brothers?" Ace asks me impassively. I freeze, then laugh uproariously when all I hear is a rumble. "You just did that for me." I laugh as Ace is still looking after Nico. Then he sets me down and scratches his head. "I kind of forgot about that one!" says Ace sheepishly. I hold my stomach laughing, but only Ace can do that, well Luffy would do that too.

Suddenly there is another thump, this time from several pairs of feet. My mother will be thrilled at the noise. "And there goes the family bush radio working too well again." I remark as my brothers try to squeeze through the door at the same time. They push and shove so hard that the three of them fly at Ace's feet. I would like to cover my belly's ears at the curses the three of them let loose. If my child curses like a rat, it's my brothers' fault, Marco can say what he likes. I sit on the bed and laugh at my brothers. If the three of them weren't lying on the floor, I would flee the room, but this way I watch my brothers trying to get up again. Stupidly, the three of them obstruct each other in the process, receiving active support from Ace, who keeps pushing their hands away.

I stiffen in satisfaction and stand up on my feet. "Do you guys actually know that it's very rude to just walk into a room like that?" I ask the three, getting a nasty look. I signal to Ace to help my brothers get to their feet. I'd better get the drama over with before we eat, because I'm kind of hungry. Again! "I really don't know how you can stand it all the time!" I say to Ace, who is just pulling Loki to his feet. And I mean it, Ace is hungry all the time too, only he's had it all his life. "I eat enough!" says Ace laughing. I wouldn't exactly call it that, but fine. "Let's go get something to eat!" I say, really ignoring the demanding looks from my brothers.

"Aren't you forgetting something, sis?" Mark asks me sternly. I tilt my head playfully questioning and then shake my head, "No I don't think so!" Mark's features slip before he yells, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" I shrug my shoulders calmly, "But you already know that, then why ask?" Ace grins widely and the corners of Loki's mouth twitch. He would probably find the whole thing funnier if I wasn't pregnant. Mark suddenly looks at Ace, Nico and Loki do the same. "Run!" is my only comment on the matter. Ace takes me at my word and gives heel gold, followed closely by the Choas brothers. Wait, no, the Chaos Brothers are Ace, Sabo and Luffy.

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