Treatment and a chance to get to know him

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I don't pay attention at all to the rumbling and swearing behind me. I'd rather take care of my burnt hand. Ace will get to hear something for that, that much is clear. At this point I hear the trampling of fleeing feet. I put my head on the table and grumble. But before I can do anything, I'm yanked away from the table by my arm. Just in time before Ace crashes into the table. I blink in surprise and look at the blond. "Thank you." I say artfully. He smiles and says, "You're welcome, I'm Silvers Rayleigh by the way." With that he holds out his hand to me. I grab it and say, "Lucia, pleasure." Ace is on his feet again and storms back toward the dark-haired man, who is none other than Gol D. Roger. He sits relaxed at the bar and doesn't really seem to take Ace seriously. Which makes Ace even more furious. "This could take a while," I say annoyed, rubbing my forehead. "I don't think Roger is hungry," Rayleigh says with a grin. Well, he sure underestimates Ace. Ace flies into the wall again. I'm pretty annoyed by now, so I walk up to Roger before Ace can rush at him again. I stand in front of him and turn my back to him. As I do, I notice him looking at me in surprise. "Ace that's enough!" I say seriously and look at Ace. A trickle of blood is running down his forehead and he is dirty. He wants to rush at Roger again but I stand in his way. Which was also my plan. He looks at me and growls, "Get out of the way LUCIA!" The last part he yells. "What for so you can keep mopping the floor? That's enough Ace, please! We want to see father after all!" I appeal to Ace reason and use the word father for Whitebeard to calm Ace down. I see something flicker in Ace's eyes, but then they go dark again. I sigh, but know Ace won't attack until I'm out of the way. He comes at me, flames flickering up his arms. "Ace!" I say reassuringly.

All of a sudden I notice a huge hand patting my head. "It's okay little one, nothing's going to happen to your little friend." I hear Roger's dark voice. I sigh annoyed one as stubborn as the other! Roger pushes me aside. Tell me, are these two completely crazy now? Ace storms back towards Roger and Rayleigh pulls me back a bit. My eyebrows twitch in annoyance. I growl as Ace crashes into the wall again. "It's dangerous to get between those thickheads," Rayleigh says calmly. "You have no idea!" I say dangerously calm. I can already feel my anger burning under my skin. When Ace is already rushing at Roger again and he just grins provocatively, my hat is bursting. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU IDIOTS!" I yell loudly. Rayleigh takes a step backwards in surprise and the two intelligence flames look at me in surprise. I'm breathing heavily, my hand is burning and I clench it into a fist. My whole body is shaking with rage. Ace is about to say something but I yell loudly in anger, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ace jerks back in surprise. I turn around and storm out the door. Then I run down the street. Panting, I reach the beach. Dropping to the sand on the beach, I wrap my arms around my knees. I feel my eyes burning and swallow hard. But I can't stop myself from starting to cry. My hand hurts and I am cold because it is windy on the beach. Now we already have our own bodies and what is Ace's first reaction: He ignores me and would rather have his head smashed in!

I sob and keep on locking myself in. Right now I don't want to know anything more about the idiots, let them kill each other. I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't look up, I don't care who is behind me. Then I feel someone sit down behind me and take me in their arms. I smell Ace's original scent. "Go away!" I grumble. "I'm sorry," I hear him say. I try to break away, but Ace won't let me. He wraps his arms tighter around my torso, then rests his chin against the top of my head. I growl angrily. "Why don't you go back to mopping the floor!" I hiss at him. He sighs and says, "Come on, I'm sorry!" I want to get up and prop my injured hand in the sand because I forgot about the burn from anger. Because of the pain, I flinch. Great now I have sand in my wound from the burn. Really great. Ace grabs my hand and looks at it. I want to yank it away but he holds it tight. "What happened?" he asks, startled. "Are you serious?" I ask him. He frowns and then looks horrified before asking, "I did that?" I feel the anger rising again and tear myself away from him. I jump to my feet and take a couple steps away. Then I start yelling, "YES YOU DID! WHEN YOU WOULD RATHER FIGHT THAN LISTEN TO ME!" Ace looks sad like an abandoned puppy. He gets up and quickly comes up to me and wraps me in his arms. I can't take it anymore and start crying again. Ace continues to hug me and says that he is sorry. My hand hurts more and more and the sand in the wound doesn't make it better. But I slowly calm down and relax. Ace still holds me desperately as if I am about to disappear and kisses me again and again on the temple. I wrap my arms around Ace's waist and rest my forehead on his shoulder. "Don't ever do that again. I barely recognized you!" I mutter. "I promise, but we have to take care of your hand!" he says. But I don't want to let go of him just yet. I cling tighter to Ace and he wraps his arms around me tighter too. 

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