Special Chapter Christmas

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I wake up slowly and nestle against the heat source next to me. Comfortably, I stretch out contentedly. In the process, I notice that I am buried under the blanket. I stick my head out of the blanket and wince directly. It was freezing cold outside the blanket. I shiver and pull my head back under the blanket. I hear Ace laughing. If I had eaten a firefruit, I would be laughing too! But like this, I poke him in the side. Ace laughs even louder and wraps his arm around my body. Then he pulls me on top of him with a jerk and wraps his arm around me. I purr and snuggle up to Ace, but continue to stay under the covers. I wouldn't think of crawling out of the warmth. "Are you planning on coming out, too?" asks Ace of me. I shake my head. Ace loosens one arm and slowly pulls the blanket down. I hold it tight and say, "NO!" Ace laughs and pulls the blanket completely away with one tug. I squeal and try to somehow hide under Ace to escape the cold. Ace laughs, grabs me and pulls me out of bed with him. "Put me down!" I say laughing and wriggling. He slowly lowers me down. As soon as my feet touch the floor, I scream out and claw at Ace. "Don't let me get down! The floor is freezing!" I whine. " Wimp!" says Ace laughing. "So what if the floor is cold and you're warm. Logical conclusion: I'd rather stay with you!" I say, amused. Ace laughs loudly and graciously lifts me up in his arms. He drags me to the shower and turns on the warm water. After a short time, the windows and mirror are fogged up. Ace climbs in the shower with me. "Ace we both still have underwear on!" I say and laugh. "Well that's how we clean them too!" says Ace innocently. I rub myself under the warm water. Ace grins at me. I take off my underwear and throw them out of the shower. Ace does the same as me and we wake up properly first. I enjoy the warm water and Ace's closeness. "Ace stop teasing your girlfriend and come help!" I hear Marco's voice call out. Ace sighs annoyed and I have to laugh. How nice that I don't have to help. But what is Ace supposed to help with? Ace gets out of the shower and dries himself. I stay under the warm water and watch Ace dry. I smile dirty and just can't help myself from having a little fun. I carefully grab a towel and wet it under the shower. Ace hasn't noticed and continues to dry himself off. Why doesn't he just use fire? Anyway, I roll up the towel and take a swing. Then with full force I slap the towel on Ace's bare butt. There was a huge clap and Ace jumps forward. I let go of the towel and slide down the shower wall laughing. Ace looks at me angrily and comes toward me. Then suddenly he smiles meanly and turns the water to cold. I squeal and try to get out of the water. I slip and land in Ace's arms. He laughs loudly and pulls me out from under the water. Then he reaches for the faucet and turns off the water. Ace throws a towel at my head and leaves the bathroom. I dry off and then go into the room to finally get dressed. 

I wrap myself up warmly because it has become very cold. Then I finally go towards the deck to see what Ace is supposed to help with. He has already left the room. I walk leisurely through the corridors and then I realize that in my world it would actually be Christmas. Somehow this makes me melancholic. I open the door and immediately squint my eyes. The deck has disappeared under a blanket of snow and is shining in the light of the sun. My eyes begin to shine. I see the men busily shoveling snow. Ace also has one in his hand and is throwing the snow off the deck. I see a huge pile of snow and just can't resist. I throw myself into the snow with a laugh and hear the men yelling in protest. I laugh boisterously and move my arms and legs back and forth to make a snow angel. I have my eyes closed and enjoy the clear salty air. Suddenly a shadow falls on me. I open my eyes blinking and see Marco standing over me. "You're supposed to throw the snow off the deck, not spread it on the deck!" he says sternly. I stick my tongue out at him. What a killjoy. He holds out his hand and I let him pull me to my feet. Then I see an island. It is a winter island. It looks like a winter wonder island from a fairy tale. I walk to the railing and ask out loud, "When can we go to the island?" "You don't!" says Marco. I give him an annoyed look. "Why not?!" I ask him. "Because you're the biggest mess magnet right after the fire lighter!" says Marco and walks away. I grin meanly and bend down. Then reach for the snow and form a ball. I slowly stand up grinning and throw the snowball at Marco. Marco ducks away without looking and the ball hits Ace in the back of the head. I freeze and watch as the snow slowly drips from Ace's head. Ace slowly wipes the snow out of his hair with his hand, then turns and looks around for the culprit. Ace looks at Marco and grins murderously. Marco, however, only raises his hand and casually points at me. Lousy traitor! Ace looks at me and I finally wake up from my shock. Defensively I raise both arms and start: "I didn't mean it, I was aiming at Marco..." I don't get any further because Ace has taken his revenge in the same coin! A snowball has landed in my face. I wipe the snow from my face. Ace is standing casually leaning against the railing, looking at me dripping with self-satisfaction. My eyes narrow and I bend down to make myself a snowball. But Ace was faster and throws another one at me. Only it doesn't hit me, but a man near me. He screams and takes a handful of snow and throws it at Ace, but it hits Marco. I, on the other hand, simply throw the ball into a group of people, if a snowball fight then properly! The group turns around angrily and I point accusingly at another group. And then it really starts, you couldn't see anything because of all the snowballs. I scream as Ace grabs me and throws me into a snowbank. The silence that had prevailed until then was now broken by screams, roars and laughter.

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