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Lucia's POV

I go back to the towels with Anna, enjoying the sun and the silence. I know that as soon as we are back on the Moby, it will be chaotic. It's not surprising with so many people. And I wouldn't trade it under any price in the world. "Ace is special!" says Anna. "You have no idea!" I say with a laugh. She smiles. "A lot of men would have run away from responsibility," she says. "He would never do that because he knows what it's like. He grew up without a father. He would never do that to our child. Under no circumstances!" I say seriously. I put my hand on my stomach. "It's strange. Not long ago I was romping across the yards with my brothers and now I have the responsibility of a little life!" I explain. "I can imagine!" says Anna. "Tell me, have you actually noticed the strange behaviour of your brothers?" she asks me. "Yeah, I hope they don't fuck around with Ace!" I say sternly. "You sound like your mother!" Anna says laughing. "Thanks now I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of the week." I remark. "You're welcome!" she says with a cheeky grin. "How are things with you when it comes to boys?" I ask. "Nothing," she says. "Why not?" I ask. "Why should I? I mean, I'm young! Everything has its time. Not everyone can find his second half right away!" she tells me. Yes, I know what I had to do for it. "But Ace really only has eyes for you. I mean, he doesn't pay attention to any of the other women. And they're really pining for him. Which is no wonder with that body," she tells me. I look dreamily into the air. "It's not that either. Ace is caring, loving, totally out of touch with reality, stubborn, dreamy and sometimes dumb as straw!" I say rapturously. "You do realise that some of that stuff isn't exactly beneficial," she tells me. "That's just Ace!" I say lovingly. "My goodness you're in love!" she says with a grin. I nod. "But the hunger during pregnancy is terrible. I have no idea how Ace can stand it all the time." I remark. Why? My stomach growls. Anna laughs. "Well then, let's get the little one something to eat, that growling sounds dangerous!" snorts Anna and we stand up again. What have we lain down for now? "What do you think the boys are doing?" asks Anna as we walk to the chip shop. "Bullshit, knowing those four!" I say. I will soon see how right I am!

Narrator's POV

Ace is pulled along by the three brothers. Anna has taken Lucia with her. Ace looks around and tries to keep Lucia in sight. But instead of going with Ace to the slide, Nico, Loki and Mark drag him to a pool. There Nico and Loki sit down at the edge. Mark also pushes Ace to the edge so that he sits down. Ace is confused. What do they want from him now. "Tell me, what do you want to do with Lucia in the future?" asks Mark as he stands behind Ace. "What do you mean?" asks Ace confused. "Well your intentions with Lucia?" says Loki. Ace tilts his head in confusion. Nico grins and Mark sighs in annoyance. "Don't you want to understand or can't you?" asks Loki amused. "What's the matter?" asks Ace, confused. "Well do you want to marry her? What about the kid?" asks Mark. Ace thinks. What should he answer? He loves Lucia, but to give up his freedom? Allowing himself to be put in chains? Ace doesn't know what to answer. Nico grins knowingly. "You know, Ace is very freedom-loving. The thought of him getting married probably gives him nightmares!" Nico mocks him. Mark grabs him by the shoulder. "You don't want to leave her alone with the child, do you?" asks Mark, growling. Ace looks at him in horror. "WHY SHOULD I DO THAT!" roars Ace. He can't take a joke on that one. He wouldn't abandon Lucia or his child. "Well, that's responsibility!" says Mark. Loki, not in the mood for an argument, says, "Why don't you want to?" Ace thinks why doesn't he want to get married? Well it means giving up some of his freedom and he has sworn to himself that he will live more freely than anyone else. "I want to be free!" says Ace. It doesn't even occur to him that this might sound wrong. Mark is about to open his mouth, but before he can say anything Loki opens his mouth. Because he's not just a good prankster, he's a more excellent speaker. "Ace why do you have that tattoo?" he asks. Ace looks up in surprise: "It's Whitebeard's mark. A sign that I belong to him. It's my pride and joy!" says Ace joyfully. "Nothing else is a wedding. It's a sign that you and Lucia are family. So everyone else sees it. Then you won't have situations like this anymore!" Loki explains, pointing to a pair of whispering women.

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