Realisations and living together

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I slowly wake up again and lie on a soft bed. Was what I experienced only a dream? Bright sunshine welcomes me when I open my eyes. Looking around the room I realize that I am in a room that is unknown to me and a look at my feet tells me that it is also the foreign body. Frustrated I groan. This cannot be true. Ok since I cannot change the situation, I should try to find a solution. Best is one that does not involve banging my head against the wall until I wake up in the right body. As much as I try to find a reasonable solution, I don't come up with one. But there is one: I died that night. But now let's be honest, I don't like this solution at all and above all why do I wake up in a different world with another body? Since I cannot find a solution for the current situation, I turn to simple questions: How the hell did I get in this room?

"I was afraid that this was not the end of the story" Ace suddenly comes up. I flinched, "That's right, you're still here, I guess." "Good morning to you too," he replies. "How did I get in this room?" I ask into the room. "Walking here," Ace says. "You can control my body?" I'm asking with a great deal of discomfort. Who really likes the idea that someone else controls your body and you are just a spectator? That this situation applies exactly to Ace I ignore. He unfortunately does not. "Again, it's my body, and no, apparently not while you're awake. I've already tried. But when you fell asleep last night, I was back in control. We urgently need to find a solution to this problem," he replies.

I know that too, I think, and I'm running my fingers through my hair. "Okay, let's start by answering the most important question. Who are you?" Ace's voice in my head. I answer "Lucia" unconsciously."A girl" comes the astonished exclamation of Ace. "A troll" comes my reply."A girl in my body could be fun," said Ace. "What do you mean?" I ask, "Besides, I'm a woman, not a little girl." "Oh yes, of course a woman. In case you haven't noticed, you're in a man's body," says Ace slowly. So? I guess. "There are natural needs that the body has to fulfill, not to mention washing." 

My head gets hotter than I realize what he means. "Seriously now?" I'm thinking slightly horrified. "Yeah, definitely a woman." Ace replies to my observation amused. "Oh, shut up," I'm getting annoyed. "Running out of answers," is Ace's still amused voice. On the show he's not so annoying, the thought flashes through my mind without me realizing it. "What do you mean by the show?" asked Ace suspiciously now. The images of the series come to my mind, the meeting of the brothers in Alabasta, Ace's defeat, the revelation of Ace's origins and the brothers' past, the war and its end. The firefist became still.

"Ace?" I ask in the room, but he doesn't answer. "Hello, still here?" I mumble. "Is it true what I saw?"  he asked in horror. "Yes, at least from what I know," I said gloomily. Even if it was a while ago that I watched the series, I clearly remember the sad moments. But now that I remember them, I also remember how the name Teach and the appearance of the man looked familiar to me. It was Marshal D. Teach. And that he's dead means the future I know from the anime is never gonna happen."I guess I owe you more than I realized," he says darkly. There was something else there, I know that but because of the conversation you had a headache and a voice in the background commenting on everything didn't make you feel better. Except that I had to watch my thoughts. Have you ever tried to consciously not think something, in the end you definitely think about it.

"Change the subject," I say annoyed. "So you're from another world?" Ace asks again in a better mood. "Can't anything ever ruin your mood?" I ask mentally. "Teach is dead, so the future you know cannot come true. In other words, no reason to worry,'" he said and I could literally feel the grin. "Another world?" he asks, annoying like a four year old insisting on his sweets. I don't want to answer, but my thoughts once again become independent and show the firefist my world and the events of that evening. Your headaches got worse. Again I have the feeling that something is blocking my thoughts and I should not remember. There you have your answer, now the thought came to me. Ace was silent

I get up and go to the bathroom. As I stand in the small bath, something comes back to my mind: I am in Ace body! How quickly one can forget such things. Unfortunately I had to go to the toilet. I danced slightly on the spot and noticed the amusement of the firefist. "Aren't you embarrassed?" I ask. "No" comes his calm answer. Why do I only have a solid grin in front of my eyes. After Ace body has won and I have followed the natural need, I leave the bathroom with the beautiful head color: tomato red. That was the most embarrassing event of my life and I just think: NEVER AGAIN! "Then we have to find a solution to our problem very quickly'" sounds again Ace's voice, which has kindly kept its mouth shut while going to the toilet. "I know that, but first I have to know what happened at all" I say depressed. The situation became increasingly unpleasant. "Hey it'll be alright, we'll go to Pops and the others and there we'll find a solution together" Ace tried to cheer you up.

To one of the four emperors? No way! Especially not if you're occupying his son's body and have no solution. "In case you forget, I'm a wanted pirate and commander of the 2nd division. And I guess you can't fight, so first go to Pops and find a solution there," he says seriously. Unfortunately, his conclusion is not devoid of a certain logic. I can't fight and Ace was a wanted pirate, which means that if I stay alone, I'll get into fights again. Ok you convinced me to go to Whitebeard and hope I don't end up as a skewer, I think and could feel Ace's grin growing. "Finally home" came his answer. Yes for you, I have the feeling that my way will still be long, was my answer.

I get up and leave the room. Off into the adventure.

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