Preprogrammed disaster

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Narrator's POV

When Ace sees the submarine appear, he immediately jumps on deck. He rushes towards the door and is about to pull it open when it is pushed open. Out comes the face Ace least wants to see right now. He grabs Law by the collar and hisses angrily at him, "Where's Lucia?" Ace realises he's not in control of his haki and the sub's rail creaks protestingly. Law just shakes his hand off, but Ace is really tempted to give him a facial remodelling. "She's right behind me!", Law growls at Ace. "No she's not!" says Marco, amused. Law and Ace turn to the door and see no Lucia. Ace face turns red with anger. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER!", Ace yells at Law. His arms are on fire.

Marco feels compelled to intervene, Ace is just very irritable at the moment. "Ace, now calm down! Lucia is here on board and she's probably lost!" Marco tries to get Ace back on track. "That lunatic is walking around alone in my ship?" says Law and Marco thinks he hears a hint of horror. Marco grins and asks, "You just let her out of your sight? You caused a disaster on your ship with that!" Law looks past Ace and says, "There is order in my ship! Even she can't change that." Marco laughs softly and just says, " Just believe that!" From the submarine mine hears a tremendous noise.

Lucia's POV

Law just runs fast in front of me and soon I've lost the connection. What kind of long legs does that guy have? When I turn the next corner, Law has already disappeared. I shrug my shoulders, then just look around a bit. What the hell, someone will find me eventually. I grin wickedly, let's see what I can find here. As I roam the corridors, I open doors at random. So far I've found a storeroom, a communal cabin, a broom closet and an empty room. All very boring. I scratch my nose briefly before opening the next door. A single cabin, about as boring as Marco's, so I must have ended up in Law's room. I go in and quickly close the door behind me. Let's see how I can drive the control freak crazy. Grinning, I walk over to a closet and open it. A pile of clothes, folded so neatly that my mother would cry with emotion. Pedantically arranged by colour and size. I raise my eyebrows. I turn towards the bed. So neatly done that even those in the Marine could learn a thing or two. My gaze wanders to the bookshelf. The books are arranged alphabetically by author and title. I roll my eyes. Someone has a huge compulsion for order here.

I turn to the closet and start taking the clothes apart and throwing them crumpled back into the closet. It's almost like art. I wonder if Law sees it that way. After making a mess with the clothes in the wardrobe, I jump onto the bed and jump up and down until it looks like a football team has rolled through the sheets. I have also left dirty footprints. I jump off the bed and walk towards the shelf. There I just put the books randomly on the shelf, some I put on the desk. I would even tear a few up and throw them on the floor, but my respect for the written word is just too great. I walk back to the door and turn around again with the handle in my hand. Yep, this place looks like Luffy himself has raged through it. Grinning, I leave the room and look for the next stupid thing to do.

I continue walking and in the next corridor, I open another door and see a treatment room. Disappointed, I close the door again. I open the door that is directly opposite the treatment room. I am standing in front of a storage room. Biting my lower lip, I wonder if Law knows Domino. Because the shelves are set up the same way. Tip one, they all will fall. Because the shelves are set up the same way. Tip one, they all tip. I'm really trying to resist. You know that feeling when you see a big red button and you know you're not supposed to push it? And the more you know you shouldn't, the more you want to push it? That's how I feel right now with the wobbly shelf. I'm hopping from one foot to the other. My hand hovers a few centimetres in front of the shelf. I can still just turn around. Oh well, that's just the receipt for the kidnapping.

I push the shelf over. I feel as if it is swaying back and forth in slow motion before gravity wins the battle and the shelf topples over. Then it happens very quickly, one shelf after the other topples over and causes a lot of noise. Let's go, I think and get out of here before anyone sees me. 'Lucia, was that you with the noise,' Ace asks me. 'You could hear it all the way up there,' I reply, impressed. The ship has good acoustics. 'Yes, did something happen to you,' I hear Ace ask again, worried. What's the matter with him? 'No, and as long as Law doesn't catch me before he sees what happened, nothing will happen to me. Only how do I get on deck,' I ask, confused. I am far enough away from the scene of the crime, but I haven't the faintest idea how to get to the deck. Behind me I hear some men shouting excitedly; they must have found my mess. I yank open another door and stand in the deserted kitchen. Lunch is sitting on the table, unnoticed. They must have been interrupted by me. Grinning wickedly, I go to the cupboards and take some things. I randomly sprinkle Tabasco sauce, chilli powder, sugar and salt on the food. Then I fill the water jug with vinegar. Bon appetit.

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