A pair of idiots

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Lucia's POV

I'm stuck up here and I can't get down! Annoyed, I blow a strand of hair out of my face. Those two idiots did that on purpose. Ok Roger did it on purpose, it's not Ace's fault. I look down. Oh god did the floor just get farther away? I gulp. How am I supposed to get down here, please? I wonder if anyone can hear me scream. But the storage room doesn't look like it's used much. I chew on my lip. I notice how it's getting darker and darker. Damn it, if I try to jump down I'll break something. I start screaming, "HELP!!!" But no one comes. I groan abysmally and lean against the wall. Someday, someone will miss me. And then I'll strangle Roger, purely on principle. I've been sitting here for a while, but no one has come yet.

Narrator POV

Ace wakes up and lies in his hammock. He frowns, something doesn't fit. He smacks his lips tiredly, didn't the commanders have beds? With this realization, the events of the day come to mind. He swallows, Roger is different than he imagined. Before he can think further about this confusing man, his stomach growls. "Hungry!" says Ace loudly to the room. And as if the room would answer, the delicious smell of dinner rose to Ace's nose. Ace sniffs and then follows his nose to find the galley. As if by sleepwalking, Ace enters the galley and sits down at the table closest to the kitchen door. He doesn't take his eyes off the door, somehow he feels he has forgotten something. The smell of roasting meat hits his nose. Ace swallows the saliva that has collected in his mouth. No matter what he has forgotten it can't be that important. "As a cook, I'd be afraid to leave the kitchen right now!" Ace hears Rayleigh's amused voice. What does he mean by that? Ace tears himself away from the door to Paradise and looks around. Then he understands what Rayleigh means. Roger is sitting right across from him with his head on the table. He is facing the door and a lake of spit has already collected under his head. Roger looks at the door as if it were his worst enemy. Ace scratches his head, wondering if he looks like that too. "At least Shanks can wipe right through wet!" continues Rayleigh, not without a certain disgust. Ace is about to say something when one of the cooks comes out with a huge slab of meat. Ace's stomach growls in protest, reminding him that he hasn't eaten in far too long. Ace's eyes greedily follow the cook, who hesitantly approaches the two black-haired men. He quickly puts the plate down in front of the two and then makes to leave. Those two are really creepy when food is around. Ace starts to fill up his plate. And already the other cooks come with the rest of the food. In the end, Ace had a mountain of potatoes complete with gravy lake, a grove of broccoli with meat base in front of him. Ace grabbed his fork and began systematically destroying his food. He was completely oblivious to his surroundings. Only after the fifth giant plate, the kind they were supposed to buy for the Moby, did he begin to pay attention to his surroundings again. Across the way, Roger is still happily eating away. Ace chews slowly on a piece of meat, again the feeling of having forgotten something creeps over him. "Now that the predator feeding has reached a non-threatening point, where's your little girlfriend?" asks Rayleigh.

Ace chokes on his piece of meat and he hears coughing from Roger's side as well. Both D's look at Rayleigh with wide eyes. The latter runs an annoyed hand through his face. "Don't tell me you forgot her somewhere in your gluttony," Rayleigh says. Ace thinks sharply, so he woke up alone. Ace looks at Roger, who also seems to be thinking. Roger strokes his beard, then says slowly, "Last I saw her, she was in that storeroom!" That's when it occurs to Ace too, she was sitting up on the beam! Rayleigh then inquires, "And when was that?" Roger tilts his head, "A few hours ago, she was sitting on top of one of the beams, good hiding place by the way." Roger looks thoughtful. Ray growls and seems to be starting to lose his nerve, he should team up with Marco. "And where did she go AFTER you helped her down?" he asks, growling. Ace scratches his nose, so he can't say that either. Roger tilts his head, then asks, confused, "Why helped her down, she was still sitting up there when I left. I don't know where she went after she got down there." Ace considers where Lucia might have gone, not that anything happened to her. Rayleigh looks at Roger blankly. "Roger?" asks Rayleigh. Named looks at him and says, "Yeah?" "Did you really let an untrained girl up on the rafters?" asks Rayleigh, his fist already twitching. "Yeah, why?" the latter replies. Rayleigh pinches the root of his nose and then asks, "How do you think she's going to get back down there?" Roger laughs and says, "Well jump like usual?" Ace didn't really understand Rayleigh's question either, there was nothing to it, he's jumped off much higher objects as a kid. Rayleigh takes a deep breath, takes a sip from his flask before saying, "You know that normal untrained people can't do that. And no you are NOT considered normal!" Rayleigh forestalled the D's objection. They already had their mouths open, but now they shut them again. Ace frowns, wait that meant ... Ace head jerks to Rayleigh before asking in horror, "You mean she's still sitting up there?" Rayleigh nods with a grin, well at least someone gets it. So there's hope for the world yet. Ace and Roger turn pale. They look at each other before getting up in sync and storming off, leaving the half-full plates behind. Rayleigh looks at the plates before muttering into his beard, "Well done kid, you've done more than the Marines, Whitebeard and Shiki put together: I've never seen Roger leave food for anyone. And you can do that with two Gol D's! Let's hope you never side with the Marines." At that last part, Rayleigh started to grin! Ace reaches the storage room along with Roger. The two crash together as they try to get through the door at the same time. Ace pushes past Roger into the room, the latter following at his heels. In the now dark room, you can't see your hand in front of your eyes, so Ace flashes his hand. Ace quickly crosses the room, looking up to spot Lucia. At the very end of the beam, he can finally see her. Lucia is sitting with her back leaning against the wall, giving him and Roger not-so-friendly looks. Ace swallows, he probably has something to make up for. Marco has said that his gluttony will get him into hot water one day. Why does the feathered creature always have to be right?

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