Special Chapter Akainu

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I wake up and stretch with pleasure. Out of habit, I brush my hair out of my face without noticing that I have short hair. I blink in irritation. Short hair? Am I in another body again? I sigh and ask: "Hello anyone there?" But no one answers me. So the old-fashioned way: find a mirror. I look around the room and see a relatively luxurious room. I get up and go in search of a mirror. I see a door and walk up to it and open it. Bingo a bathroom. As I look in the mirror all my facial features slip away, which if I'm honest looks really stupid. Looking back at me is the face of Admiral Akainu. This simply can't be true. I would have taken anyone, really anyone, but not him. Especially since I really took Ace to my heart, I can't stand him at all. Very great I'm stuck with probably the least favorite character in One Piece. I rub my temples and can already feel the onset of a headache. What am I going to do? I don't really want him in my head at all.

I sigh and go back into the actual room. There's a knock on a second door. "Yes?" I ask purely out of reflex. "Admiral Akainu, Grand Admiral Sengoku demands to see you!" I hear an anxious voice on the other side. What am I supposed to do now? I try "I'm coming!" and already I hear quick footsteps hurrying down the hall. "WHO ARE YOU?" a voice booms through my synapses. Well thank you, in my opinion he could have stayed away for a while. "Don't yell like that!" I say bitchily. I just can't stand the guy. "Who are you and what have you done to me?" says Akainu coldly. I just don't care, because honestly now what is he going to do to me? He can't control his body. "I demand answers!" he hisses. "And I want you to shut up. That's not going to get either of us what we want," I hiss back. He growls. Wait a minute, I'm in Akainu's body and no one has any idea it's not him. I grin. This is going to be a little revenge for Ace! "What have you got to do with that rotten pirate?" Akainu demands to know. I grin and say, "I was in his body before and saved him. I like him and think he and Whitebeard are much better than anyone from the Marine! You are nothing but hypocrites!" Akainu growls and hisses like a cat that has had its tail stepped on. I don't really listen to his cursing.

I'm going to do the only right thing now in Akainu's body, which is to really ruin his reputation. I go to the closet: My goodness, his clothing style is as exciting as a dictionary. I sigh and grab a shirt and pants. But none of that navy stuff. Great, Ace pirate pride has already rubbed off on me. "You disgusting pirate scum, what have you done to me? I'll hunt you down as soon as I get my body back," the mutt growls. I raise my eyebrows and ask with a sneer, "Why should I leave your body again then?" Akainu curses obsessively, which makes me laugh. I shake myself, god does that laugh of his sound creepy. Great now I can't even laugh. Anyway, off goes the "Piss off Akainu" - day.

I leave the room. Great, the same problem again. Which way the hell is it? Everything looks the same here. The marines are so boring. White and blue and the corridors look like an insane asylum. But who's surprised, whoever goes to the marine in this world is out of his mind. "The marines stand for absolute justice," my involuntary roommate growls at me. I roll my eyes. Always these platitudes. "First of all, you should look up the word justice in the dictionary, you'd wonder what it actually means. Little hint it has nothing to do with the marine. Secondly, the marines here serve more as cannon fodder," I throw at the admiral. He growls again, that's all he can do. "You are living up to your name," I sneer. If I'm honest, I would never dare to do that if I weren't in his body. But since he can't do anything to me, I might as well drive him crazy. I grin and just walk down one of the hallways. I keep running into marines, but they avoid me in a big curve. "Not even your own people can stand you!" I mock the admiral. I feel his anger, he is almost about to explode. This causes me a deep feeling of satisfaction. So what can I do now to drive the admiral mad. Where is Garp? I walk down the corridor and continue to listen to Sakazuki's complaining. I'll make sure he's nowhere to be seen by the end of the day.

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