The aftermath of a party

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Somehow, and please don't ask me how, I got Ace into bed after he fell off the chair completely drunk. Ok I admit it: Marco carried Ace, but I tucked him in! I think I deserve most of the credit for that. I would love to let Marco sleep next to Ace and make myself comfortable in Marco's bed in return. The reason? Ace snores louder than a jet plane taking off when he's drunk. Annoyed, I lie next to him and give him a nasty look, but he doesn't seem to mind much. I shake him by the shoulder, but all I manage to do is make Ace snore louder for a moment and turn to the other side. I groan in annoyance and rub my eyes tiredly. I finally want to sleep but Ace would rather cut down a forest. I pull Ace's pillow away and press it to my ears. Eventually I fall asleep from exhaustion. The next morning I am woken by a heartbreaking yelp. Apparently Ace has woken up and noticed his head. I start to grin and open my eyes gleefully. I quickly turn to Ace and he looks pathetic. He is lying on his back with his arm in front of his eyes. I laugh out loud, which Ace acknowledges with a pained groan. "Good morning sunshine!" I laugh at the poor lighter. He whimpers and turns onto his stomach, am I wrong or has his face gone green? "Shall I get you something to drink?" I ask after my conscience has finally kicked in. Ace turns around frantically, straightens up and yells, "NO!" He must still remember Shanks. But the action is too much for Ace's suffering stomach. His face turns pale as a varnish and Ace jumps up. He quickly storms to the bathroom and slams the door. Now this is really not my fault! After all, I wanted to be nice.

Shaking my head, I get up and then get dressed quite comfortably. In the toilet I can still hear him worshipping the porcelain god. It may take a while yet, so I shrug and leave the cabin and head for the dining room. Let's see how many people are already awake. I think I'll save Ace some breakfast. At least I think Ace can manage with a bun today, if at all. Every now and then I see a suffering face, until... "Where did you leave your worse half?" I hear Marco ask. I turn around and see Marco smiling gleefully. "After cutting down a forest all night, he's now worshipping the toilet bowl." Marco just laughs loudly and pushes me forward with his arm. "Well at least the cook has peace!" I give the good of the situation. "Yeah until Ace's stomach recovers, then he'll make up for it all at once!" I screw up my face in pity, I mean someone who gets to feed a half-starved Ace after a binge deserves some pity. Marco and I reach the dining room and see yawning emptiness, except for Whitebeard, who is sitting comfortably on his throne, even though he won yesterday. The others should take a lesson from him! "Good morning, my children!" Whitebeard greets us and is drinking again, or still? I wave with a smile and make myself a big bowl of muesli. I have to take the opportunity to make sure that Ace doesn't criticise my breakfast. Marco just grabbed coffee and the newspaper. "Anything interesting in it?" I ask, yawning tiredly. "Garp has sunk his ship again!" he replies. I raise my eyebrows in amazement, "The marines admit to that?" Marco just laughs and says, "As if. All it says here is that a warship was sunk while under the supervision of marine hero Garp. The pirates responsible for it have been arrested." I pause for a moment while eating and think. Then I agree with Marco: "Yep, Garp sank his ship! I'm glad that Ace didn't take on that tendency. Sink the Moby, then, not warships. Although come to think of it, now we know why Ace likes torching marine barges so much! Garp taught him!" I am completely satisfied with my statement, while the two men laugh uproariously.

I hear a whine from the door and just see Ace come in. My goodness, the way he looks right now, even the marines would let him go out of pity. Ace shuffles towards the table and drops like a wet sack. I pat his head lovingly but he only groans. Probably not the best idea to hit a hungover one on the head. I look at Whitebeard and ask: "Can I have a practice fight with Ace now? I'd definitely win that one!" Whitebeard laughs loudly and Marco says gloatingly, "Don't flatter yourself, even a breeze would be too much for Ace!" Ace tries to disagree but then thinks it better to keep his mouth closed. "Which makes me think your training is today!" I slam my head down on the table. Why did I bring this up again? "I have a hangover, have some pity!" I whimper at Marco. "No!" Marco says resolutely. "Headache?" "No!" "A cold?" "No!" One last try, "Pregnant!" Ace's head jerks up, which is not a good idea because he turns green again and runs out of the hall. Marco and I look after him before he looks at me again and says: "No!". I shrug my shoulders and say, "Then not!" Whitebeard must think the spectacle is hilarious because he laughs loudly and without mercy for his hungover children who have the misfortune to sleep nearby. I eat my cereal contentedly and think about whether I can use Ace as an excuse, after all I have to look after him as a good girlfriend. After I have finished breakfast, I want to use my Ace excuse, but Marco seems to have gone among the psychics, because before I can say a word, he says annoyed "NO!" and pulls me out by the shirt. I let Marco pull me along by the collar of my shirt. Which makes me decide I have to go shopping, I can't walk around in Roger's shirt forever, even though it's comfortable. Marco doesn't let go of me until I'm on the deck again. Sitting down, I look up at him and await the things to come. "You need to build up stamina first, otherwise you can be as good as you are!" says Marco to me and I stare at him questions. He sighs and then says, "Run 4 laps around the deck!" I was right Marco IS related to Rayleigh! "Hey Marco?" I want to tell him my news. "What?" he asks me annoyed. "Are you by any chance Rayleigh's son? I mean, you're both bad-tempered and easily irritated sadists!" I ask, grinning broadly. Wow, time to run away, at least now I have a reason the way Marco is looking at me. I quickly jump up and do what Marco said: I start running around the Moby. With all the booze bodies, it's even a parkour run. Rayleigh would be proud of me or he would chase me like Marco to beat me up. Because that's exactly what Marco does, he runs after me and angrily shouts, "Lucia stop right there!"

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