Campfire atmosphere

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Lucia's POV

After seeing Ace talking to Roger, I turn to the campfire. I finally get a chance to think in peace. About my journey, the time on the Moby and here on the Jackson. I look into the fire smiling, it has been a long exciting journey. Someone sits down next to me and I look up questioningly. Sitting next to me is Shanks, holding out a cup of alcohol. I laugh, wondering if the combination of alcohol and Shanks is really good. In the past, this combination hasn't really worked out. Shanks looks at me incomprehensibly. Chuckling, I thank him and take the cup. I sip the drink and screw up my face. For God's sake, what are they drinking here, pipe cleaners? The smell is enough to get you drunk. Brave as I am, although Marco would probably say it's stupid, I drink from the cup. Shanks looks at me enthusiastically. I hold the cup out to him for a toast, which he does enthusiastically. I forgot about Roger and Ace, as long as there is no noise coming from that direction nothing bad can have happened. I drink and listen to Shank's stories and dreams. Should I tell him that his dreams will come true? No, better not, who knows what will happen then. Me and Shanks are sitting near the fire and somehow the redhead is on the best way to get me drunk. But I admit it honestly, that's not really a great achievement.

Shanks next to me jumps up and says, "We're going to have a drinking contest! Winner is who is still standing at the end! The one may then wish for something!" Drunk as I am, I think that's a good idea too! I nod in agreement and stand up smiling drunkenly. Why is this stupid world swaying now? Shanks pulls me more badly than rightly to one of the barrels and I drop myself and my mug next to it. Shanks snatches the cup from my hand and fills it up at the barrel. "Doesn't anyone else want to join in?" I ask, looking around, but no one pays any attention to us. I shrug my shoulders, those who don't have already want to. Wait a minute something is wrong. Shanks gives me back the cup and I let the question be a question. Shanks has refilled his cup and we toast. That's cup number one! I try to get the devil stuff down as fast as I can. While trying not to choke on the booze, I look past the cup at Shanks. Hey he's cheating! Half of what he's supposed to drink is flowing past his chin! I want to protest and choke on the high proof. Coughing, I beat my chest to get rid of the alcohol. By now I can feel the heat and my cheeks glow as if hot coals were stuck under my skin. Still, I can't stop grinning. I just want to put the cup back on when it is taken out of my hand. I look up to ask, which proves to be a serious mistake: The world turns and I topple over backwards. Everything blurs in a sea of bright colors and only comes to rest again when I hit the ground. Now I can also see the face of the mug thief: Ace. I stretch out my arms, grinning broadly, for my favorite lighter, but he just stares down at me with a furrowed brow.

Narrator's POV

Ace is looking for Lucia near the campfire, but she is not there. Where the hell is she? She was just sitting here! He looks around and sees Lucia's figure near the sake barrels. Please, no one gave her alcohol. This just can't go well! Ace walks briskly towards Lucia and just manages to stop her from drinking the cup. And who was the instigator: Shanks, of course. He smiles broadly at him and doesn't seem to be aware of any guilt. Lucia wants to look up but can't keep her balance and lands on her back. Lying down, she looks into his face, smiling drunkenly, and raises her arms. Gosh, she's drunk, though. Ace sighs. Oh great, knowing Lucia, she's going to be very affectionate now. As if Ace doesn't have it hard enough. He remembers how she reacted to Shanks being drunk and now he has to put up with it. Ace swallows hard, it's going to be a long night. Or he could simply give her more alcohol until she passes out, but then he doesn't want to do that either. Lucia mumbles drunkenly something to herself and runs her hand up Ace's leg. A shiver runs down his spine. Ace quickly bends down and picks Lucia up from the floor. She immediately snuggles up to his body and strokes the back of his neck with her hands. What on earth has he done to deserve this? Lucia mumbles something that only a drunk would understand and straightens up a bit in his arms. Ace freezes and stares into space as Lucia lightly bites his ear. A hot shiver runs through his entire body and Ace whimpers. He mustn't! It wouldn't be fair to Lucia. "Lucia stop, I beg you!" begs Ace. Shanks laughs drunkenly and Roger stands next to Rayleigh. Both watch Ace gleefully. Mean old bastards!

With different eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora