A disturbing beginning

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The first thing I notice again consciously is the kitchen knife in my hand and my aching body. But something is wrong, my subconscious is screaming at me that I am in danger. I tense up. "Ah Commander Ace is already waking up again" said a voice and a shiver runs down my back. That voice is dripping with scorn and mockery and above all it has no place in my apartment. My hand cramps up even more around the knife, my heart races with fear. When I feel a figure bending over me, I open my eyes. An ugly face with a dirty grin and a pair of teeth missing stares at me. 

I react only by instinct and ram the knife into his neck. The man's grin fades and a rattle is heard. I jerk the knife out again and blood flows from the wound. In the background I hear some people screaming and footsteps moving away. I am still trembling with fear as the man kneels down. "Oh god no, no, no" I whisper distraughtly. I had killed a man. A life ended. Only now do I realize I'm not in my apartment. I was on an island that had been completely destroyed. 

Where the hell was I? Where had that lunatic taken me? I noticed that my palm was getting wet and I slowly looked down. It was too much, I cry out, my hand was in the puddle of blood that spread from the man. I tried to get up stumbling and slipped on the wet floor. Something is wrong, but I am too disturbed to register anything reasonable.

Finally I managed to get up and get away from the body. I had to get off this island and get help. I ran to the beach and I looked around. The pain in my body got worse and I had to suppress the tears that were running down my cheek. With my eyes blurred with tears, I can spot something in the water. I run towards it and my hope comes true. A small boat. It lies upside down in the water but was as far as I can see it is still intact. I hang myself with all my weight on one side of the boat so that it floats upright on the water again. Fortunately for me, the boat has a mast. I have no knowledge of sailing, but one thing I knew for sure, opening the sail meant moving forward. 

I hoisted myself into the inside of the boat and opened the sail. There was a little jerk and I sail forward. I was still shivering and I was cold. Now that I was slowly coming down from the situation-related adrenaline rush, I felt the pain stronger again. Somewhere in my clouded brain the remains of my first aid training prevailed and told me that I was in shock and that the best thing to do was to do something about it. In addition, I still held the knife around cramping. But I had no strength left. Half lying in the boat, half sitting I fell asleep. Without me consciously noticing it, the boat slid further and further away from the island.

I slowly dawned out of my sleep again. My body still ached and I was still in the boat. It was rocking along quietly. With my eyes still closed I scanned the surroundings. I only find the knife and open my eyes. Everything that happened came to my mind. Out of shock I wanted to stand up abruptly, but due to the painful injuries I sank back down again and closed my eyes. Ok logical approach to the thing, I had to check the injuries first. Slowly I felt my aching leg with my hands first. 

 Wait a minute! Since when do I have hairy muscular legs? I opened my eyes again and stared at my legs, but they were not mine! They were muscular man legs in black boots. My gaze wandered further up and saw black pants that went all the way to my knees. What the hell. Following a dark hunch, I feel my upper body in pain. An unclothed, well-trained male torso. I turn to the water and look into the water reflection. The only difference is that I do not see myself, a 22-year-old student, but Portgas D. Ace. 

Everything becomes dark again. The world can kiss my ass.

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