Ultrasound picture and furniture

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Hello everyone!

After an 11 hour flight and spending some time exploring the city, I had the idea of translating a new chapter for you because I couldn't sleep. However, I wonder if this was really such a good idea. I hope I didn't make too many mistakes. Although I read the chapter twice and didn't find any mistakes, it's meanwhile 2 a.m. here, so it's possible that I overlooked some mistakes.

Enjoy reading!


Ultrasound picture and furniture

Waking up in the morning, my first course is to the toilet. Unfortunately, for only one reason as usual: I let yesterday's food run through my memory!

Tears well up in my eyes and the smell alone causes another nausea. I close my eyes in exhaustion. Why can't I go back to bed? I feel a hand stroking up and down my back. "Are you okay?" Ace asks me. I nod and throw up right again. Ace stays with me the whole time. I gasp as I finally stand up. Ace supports me as I do so. Together we go down the stairs and I look at the clock. Before I eat anything, I go to the phone and call the gynaecologist. "Good afternoon, Dr. Jakobs' office," answers the assistant on the phone. "Hello Lucia Esteban here. I'm pregnant and I need a check-up as soon as possible!" I say. Ace looks curious. "Yes Mrs. Esteban, luckily we have an appointment for twelve o'clock as someone cancelled." "Perfect!" I say happily. I look at Ace who is stuffing bacon into his mouth. I feel sick again just looking at him. I gag. "Mrs Esteban is everything alright?" asks the doctor's assistant. "No my friend is having breakfast," I remark. "Morning sickness?" she asks and I nod until I realise she can't see it. "Yes!" I say. "Try some dry bread and tea until the nausea goes away." she says and we say goodbye. Ace kindly wants to give me some of his breakfast, but I feel so sick I really can't get anything down. I watch Ace devour plate after plate again. "Are you coming, by the way?" I ask rhetorically, already knowing the answer. "Of course!" says Ace, stuffing an entire roll into his mouth. I sometimes wonder how Ace is still alive and hasn't choked on his food long ago. He swallows it in one piece. I would like to call Ace a pig, but honestly they chew more. I wonder where my family is right now. "Tell me, have you seen any of the others?" I ask Ace. He shakes his head and points to a note on the counter. I go over and read the note.

Hi Honey, we're on our way! Anna had to go and your brothers are already at work, but they want to come back tonight. Breakfast is on the table! Mum

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. What is my mother planning to do? She's not usually out this early. Normally she tends to do the housework first, but there's no sign of her here. I scratch my temple. "Ugh!" says Ace contentedly, holding his belly. "Well gluttony over?" I ask. Ace nods. "The furniture is supposed to come today!" I remark. This is a bit inconvenient as I'm also due at the doctor's today. I bite my lower lip, why does my mother have to be away today too. Maybe Ace can stay here? "Ace, can you stay here?" I ask. He looks at me in horror. "No!" he says seriously. I don't even try to change his mind, it won't do any good. I go back to the phone and call my mother on her mobile. "Yes?" I hear. "Mum?" I ask and to me she always says to call in by name. "Yes what is Lucia?" says my mother. "When are you coming? I have to go to the doctor and the furniture is coming," I say. "What time do you have to be at the doctor's?" she asks me. "Twelve o'clock." I say. "Ok by then we will be ready!" she says. I frown at her. "What are you doing?" I ask. "I have to go!" she chokes off the conversation and hangs up. I look at the beeping phone. "What was that about?" I ask. "What was what?" asks Ace right behind me. "My mother is crazy!" I say seriously. "Then she suits you!" says Ace laughing and wrapping his arms around me. "Right!" I say, leaning against Ace. "What happens at the doctor's appointment?" he says. "Well, examinations to make sure the child is really well," I say. "I see!" he says sceptically. "Just because you think doctors are your personal enemies doesn't mean that applies to me!" I remark. Ace snorts. "I got along without doctors when I was a kid, too!" Ace protests. "That explains a lot!" I mock Ace. The receipt for this, is that he bites my ear. "Hey!" I complain. But seriously, I have to ask the doctor on the Moby if Ace has had his vaccinations, otherwise he's welcome to do so. After all, vaccinations are important.

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