Pain of the soul

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Lucia's POV

My first conscious thought was that everything here is dark. Nothing really has form, but everything seemed distorted by a black veil. It was cold. "Hello" I call out. No one answered me. What happened? Where am I? 

Although I know that I am supposed to stop, I start walking. I have a bad feeling. I rub my arms to generate a little warmth. I feel a pain in my heart. I reach for my chest. What was that?

Now that I consciously think about it, I feel like I've forgotten something. The last thing I remember is that I was standing in the kitchen. I keep walking in this strange world. My footsteps make no sound, as if I were not there. I keep walking and slowly the surroundings began to lighten up I was in a forest and although the surroundings now have contours, something seemed incredibly wrong. As if it had been distorted in a direction that should not exist at all.It's nothing really tangible and yet it sends shivers down your spine.

The pain in my heart grows and pulls me in one direction. I have no more time!, I think, but where did the thought come from? What should happen. I feel like someone is in danger, someone important. I start to run. Although I have almost no condition, my steps become faster and faster and the environment races past me. The forest gets thinner and thinner until I reach a cliff. But I was not alone.

"I don't care what happens to you." Says a man with a red coat and a funny beard. "If you had not been born I would still be alive! I regret it." says a beautiful woman in white dress, her face looks familiar. "Why didn't you save me? Your life was worthless anyway, I deserved to live!" This sentence came from a little boy in a top hat. To whom do they say such mean things? My heart threatens to break with pain. I see more people standing there, a giant with a white coat. A man with a huge quiff of hair and a bloody white jacket. A man who bears a striking resemblance to a pineapple, an elderly gentleman in a suit with a white coat, and a boy in a red vest and straw hat. They all look with hatred in their gazes at a figure on the cliff. "Do the world a favor and jump already, no one wants you here!" they all said. How can they say such a thing? I look at the figure on the cliff.

Suddenly all the memories are back, my whole journey. The Demon of Despair, we are in his world and he is trying to break Ace. "DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!!!" I yell out and run towards Ace who is slowly walking towards the cliff with a pained and desperate face. He doesn't turn around, the soul of the fire fist hurts too deeply. I feel it, his pain. The demon had taken all his doubt and pain and given it form. I run toward Ace and wrap my arms around his chest. I lean my face against his back. "Don't listen to the demon!" I whisper softly. "Lucia?" I hear the fire fist's voice broken by tears.

"Yes, I'm here" I say soothingly. In the background I hear the dream figures, continuing to reproach Ace. "I don't deserve to live" he says, wanting to keep walking towards the cliff. But I don't let go. "This isn't real Ace, it isn't real!" I tell him. He tries to untie my arms.

Narrator POV

Ace wanted to untie his arms from Lucia. What does she know? And since when does she have a body? He doesn't deserve to live. This world doesn't want him. All the people, his family, they say it too. He has tears streaming down his face. No matter how much he tugs on Lucia's arms she won't let go. He felt tears running down his back. Is she crying because of him, for him. "Ace, try to remember, this is just a mirage, a demon's world." He hears the tear choked voice of Lucia. What does she mean? The voices of his family were getting louder and louder, reproaching him and telling him to jump. He doesn't want to hear all that. He stops trying to detach Lucia from him and covers his ears. He can no longer stand on his feet and drops to his knees. Lucia goes down with him, still holding him.

Lucia's POV

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" I yell to the crowd. I was angry, so angry. Suddenly I remembered something. My dream. "You couldn't hold me and you can't get Him either! I don't know why but you can't keep us apart can you? If you pull one into your world, the other follows. ACE COULD WAKE ME UP AND I WILL NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE HERE!!!" I yell towards the end. I let go of Ace and stand up. I walk around him. He has his eyes closed, with tears running incessantly from them, and holds his hands pressed to his ears. I kneel in front of him and push his hands away from his ears so he can hear me. Then I take his face in my hands and put my forehead against his. In a calm voice I speak to him.

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