Running battle

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Lucia's POV

Well now I bear the consequences for my greeting. I am once again running around the Moby. Which actually wouldn't bother me, I've made up my mind to train. But why does Marco have to do this to me? My licking wasn't that bad and hey, that's how dogs show their affection! Now I'm running along the railing and being ogled by all sorts of people. The reason? Marco doesn't just let me run around the Moby, he made me put on the nurse's outfit beforehand! Now I run in a very skimpy dress and leopard suspenders and try to pull this impossible dress down while I run. I swear there will be revenge!

"Why do I have to be the only one running around like this? Ace was in on it too!", I complain. "You're slowing down!" laughs Marco and strikes at Ace, who slowly with his eyes closed, manages to dodge it. I keep my hands on his skirt and pull it down the whole time. "Marco I'm doing the running, why do people have to see my butt while I'm doing it? And again Ace is not suffering!", I complain. But Marco just says in an unnaturally good mood, "First of all you started it so stop complaining, secondly no one here in the ship wants to see Ace bare bottom!" "I do!", I say with a grin, distracting Ace and slamming him back against the wall. "Ouch!" I give out pityingly. "You concentrate, you run!" says Marco sternly now, pointing at Ace and me respectively.

"Can I at least change?", I ask annoyed and resume running. "No, you have to be able to fight in any clothes!" he says, turning to Ace. "Does that mean I get to put you in this outfit later?", I say out of breath. Marco scowls at me and I pick up speed to get out of his reach. By now I have given up on pulling down my skirt. Well, then you can see my underwear, but later Marco gets a choking! Alex is sitting on the railing watching me run and says with a grin, "I can see your panties!" I roll my eyes and say cynically, "Who can't? Apart from Ace!" Which leads to a burst of laughter. "Father do something!", I plead with the only person on the ship who has more to say than Marco. What pea brain gave the pseudo feathered creature such a position in the first place? Ah yes, Whitebeard. He just looks at me with a grin and takes a sip of sake. Grumbling, I just run on.

Finally, after half an hour, I can stop running and pull down my skirt. Vista comes up to me and says, "We'll continue with the sword training, please change!" I turn to Marco and ask mockingly, "If you don't mind, Mr. Vice!" Marco, his back turned to me, just casually waves his hand. "Too kind!", I say still in a mocking tone and bow. Then I quickly go below deck to change.

Narrator's POV

Vista joins Marco, who is in the process of practising haki with Ace. By now, the fire fist is being dodged quite well, even if Lucia is not the victim. "You do realise that the little ship demon will take revenge, don't you?" laughed Vista. Marco just grinned and said calmly, "What's the little one going to do?" Ace who has just trotted back in replies, "Funny that's what Shanks was thinking and I'm sure he'll think twice now about messing with Lucia." Marco rolls his eyes and says to Ace, "You get on with your exercises." Ace sits down grinning, he will soon have something to laugh about again because Lucia will not put up with this action. Ace tries to concentrate on his haki exercise. But as he does so, something strange happens. He has the image of his cabin in his head. Clearly, as if he is really there and he can feel fabric in his hand. Anyway, he should concentrate on his surroundings so that Marco doesn't crash him into the wall.

Lucia's POV

I have just finished changing and am finally about to head back upstairs to practise sword fighting with Vista, when everything is dark for a moment. And yet I can sense some kind of presence. This feeling goes as quickly as it came and I shrug it off and put it in the category of imagination.

Without hurry I walk along the corridors of the Moby and think about how I can get Law to help us. He certainly won't play along as we want him to. If need be, of course, I can reach into the lowest drawer and use his past against him. But I don't want to go down that road. When I finally reach the top, I say annoyed: "I should charge mileage allowance, with the size of the Moby I would soon be rich!" Vista waves me over and holds the wooden sword out to me. I take it and look briefly at Ace, who manages to dodge Marco surprisingly well. More determined than before, I grab the hilt and look at Vista challengingly. He grins broadly and lets me do the exercises again. I know that a basic knowledge is necessary, but it's annoying, I'd prefer to be a master already. Practice by thought transmission, that's what it would be! Grinning, I do the exercises, and Vista corrects my posture again.

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