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John's POV

"Where are you going?" Frances asks as she walks in. I was attempting to figure out the weird button up shirt I had put on, trying to decide how the collar should be.

I smile over at her. "I'm going to a party. You're going to stay here with Lafayette." I tell her, sitting down on the bed. She sits next to me.

"Why can't I come?" She asks.

I think about it a moment. "Well, because Dad's going on a date at the party."

"With Alex?" She asks, a hopeful look in her eyes.

I chuckled and nod. "Yes, with Alex." I reply. She smiles even brighter.

"Oh, okay then. Can I still stay up until midnight?" She asks, using her pouty face. "I wanna watch the New Year's celebration on TV!"

I hesitate but nod. "Yeah, you can stay up to watch the times square ball drop, but you have to go to bed right after that, okay?"

She nods excitedly and then the doorbell rings. She runs to get it, but stops before opening the door, since she wasn't allowed to open it. I open it for her and see Lafayette and Maria/Peggy, though today she looked like she was definitely Peggy, which was a good thing.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me bringing Peggy.. We were hanging out and I just kind of invited her spur of the moment." He blushed gently and I shrugged.

"It's fine, I'm sure Frances doesn't mind, right kiddo?" I ask her.

She smiles brightly. "More people for Candy Land!" She exclaims. Peggy giggles softly and I let them in. Peggy sits with Frances and immediately starts to play with her, and I look over at Lafayette. "So..You two were hanging out, hm?"

He blushes a bit. "Shut up, John."

"Hey, I'm just asking." I then point a finger at him. "But if you two are going to have a New Year's kiss or anything else, you'd better make sure Frances is asleep first! I do not want her scarred over something you two did."

He blushes even more. "We won't be doing anything like that, I promise."

I chuckle and then hear a knock on the still open door. I turn and see Alex standing there, smiling at me. He was dressed in a soft green button up shirt and jeans. It was very casual, but very cute on him.

He hugs me. "Hey, you ready to go?" He asks after pulling away.

I nod. "Yep!" I turn around. "Frances, be good for Laf and Peggy, okay?"

She nods and then runs up to me, wrapping her arms around my legs. "Bye Daddy!' She says.

I hug her back and then wave as Alex and I walk to his car. We get in and he starts to drive towards New York City. He was taking me to see the ball drop in Times Square, and I really hope we can pick up where we left off from there.

Once we get there, we had to walk a bit since the road was blocked off, but it was worth it when we got there. It was like one big party. Well, I guess because that's technically what it was. There were singers and celebrities and other people, but I didn't really pay much attention to them the whole night. Instead, I was making conversation with Alex as we talked about everything.

"Alright guys, one more minute to midnight! You know what that means, get close with your partners!"

I giggle quietly and blush, looking over at Alex. "I always thought New Year's kisses were dumb." I admit and Alex shrugs.

"Never had one. Have you?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah, back when Francis and I were together, we spent New Years in his dorm." I blush a bit more and look away.

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now