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John's POV

It's been three months since Francis and I started dating. And he, is, amazing. He's literally the most romantic, kindest, and sincere person I have ever met.

He treats me very well and always comforts me when I'm sad, as well as loves me for who I am rather than someone I could pretend to be.

He's brought so much joy in my life, but there's also been some negative sides to it.

For example, Lafayette and Hercules stopped talking to me all together when I started dating him. They won't even tell me why, they just don't talk to me anymore. The only thing I know is it has something to do with Francis.

Thomas, James, Aaron and I haven't really been hanging out too much either since that whole post blew up. Like, we're still friends and all it's just I'm trying to not get mixed up in all that drama again. It wasn't the last time they had tried to get back at Hamilton. 

Speaking of which, that dude has some serious issues. Like, for the first entire month and a half he hates me. Can't stand me, always starts arguments with me, yadda yadda. Which was fine, that was our normal. It was quite funny to see him get so worked up about the smallest things. Like one time I walked in with no shirt, and he started yelling at me because I was going to catch a cold and then give it to him, and then he wouldn't be able to go to class or some shit like that. 

But then the past three months, he hasn't argued once. Hasn't even called me Laurens. He addresses me properly, compliments me, tries to start conversations, ect.. But I don't know why. It's really weird and throws me off every time I want to be mad at him. Like last week I got mad at him for staying up on the phone with Eliza all night long (oh yeah they got back together by the way) and he apologized. That's not Hamilton. He doesn't apologize for things. 

"John Laurens, perhaps you'd like to answer this question?" I hear my professor ask, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stare up at him with wide eyes and everyone turns to stare at me. 

"Uh..Um....Yes, I do actually." I say softly as I scan the room. I look to my right to see Hamilton pointing towards the board subtly. I raise an eyebrow but turn to see the word "MILITARY" written across the board.

I turn back to Hamilton and he mouths, "How does it help us?"

I nod and turn back, smiling slightly. "Well, the military can help us in many ways. For example, they protect our country from the threats of other countries. Without our military, we could be in grave danger from said countries."

Mr. Washington nods. "Good, I was starting to worry you weren't paying attention in my class." He says sarcastically. 

I chuckle nervously. The rest of class went by and as I was walking out of the room, Mr. Washington had stopped me. "Laurens, I'd like to speak to you a moment." He said. 

I nod and stay behind, standing in front of his desk. I hated confrontation. "Yes?" I ask once everyone else is gone.

"I know you weren't actually paying attention. Is something on your mind?" He asks as he sits down in his chair. 

I shake my head. "No, sir, everything is fine."

"Then why did you have to look to Alexander for the answer?" He asks, folding his hands together and resting them on his desk. "That isn't like you, especially since it was him you looked to."

I sigh and grab a chair, pulling it up to his desk so I could sit down. We had talked a few other times before after his class, since neither of us had another class for a few hours. "I know, it was weird how I looked to him of all people. And why would I trust him to tell me the right answer? What's going on with me?" I ask all at once.

Mr. Washington sighs softly. "It sounds like maybe you don't hate him as much as you say you do?"

I shake my head. "No, I do. I mean, he hates me too. It's mutual." 

"I don't think he does." He raises an eyebrow. "And I don't think you're giving him a fair chance to make it up to you."

I scoff. "Sorry, but I gave him plenty chances. I'm done trying to force something that's never going to happen."

"Never say never, John." He says in that all-knowing brave tone he somehow nails every time. "I think he's really trying to turn it around now."

"Why are you even standing up for him?" I ask, crossing my arms. "I thought you were on my side."

He points his finger at me sternly. "Now I don't take sides, and I never will, but I happen to know Alexander pretty well and I know he has major troubles bonding with people." 

"And how would you know that? He's just your student." I say, standing up so I  could get ready to leave. This was starting to annoy me.

He sighs. "Because he lived in my house for five years of his life." He says. "Don't you dare tell him I told you, but I was his foster dad after he turned thirteen."

I frown. I had no idea they were close. Now I'm worried about some of the stuff I had complained about Hamilton to Washington. "Five years and you never adopted him?" I ask quietly, sitting back down. 

He frowned sadly and looked towards the door before turning back to me. "No, he never wanted to be adopted. He ran away quite a few times and tried everything to get us to kick him out of the house, but no matter what, we never caved."

I nod slowly. "So..That means you fostered Lafayette too, then. Right? Did you ever adopt him?"

He shook his head once again. "No, we never did. He loved us, and he made that clear, but he didn't want to lose his birth family by being adopted. We tried explaining that's not how it works, but it was some sort of honor thing for him.."

I sigh. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to talk about them in any sort of way that would've offended you. If I'd have known-"

"Which is why I didn't tell you." He says to me. "John, I knew you needed someone to talk to. I didn't want to take that away from you. I'm aware of my son's...difficulties in talking to people."

I nod slowly again, trying to put all of the pieces together. "Look, just give him a chance, okay? Get to know him or something." He tells me.

I smile gently up at him. "Okay, I will...Thank you."

"Anytime, John. Now get out of here." He chuckles and I stand up, grab my things, and go. As I walk through the halls, I text Lafayette and ask for Hamilton's number.

1201 Words

Thank you for 1K reads on my other book!! If you haven't read it yet, it's another Lams book that's actually completed. It's called Honestly, I Love You. Check it out if you want :))

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя