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Alex's POV

I shake my head and sit down on my bed. "No...No that's not possible."

Eliza sighs and sits down next to me, rubbing my back. "Actually, Alex, it's entirely possible. Last week, when you ran out of-"

"No, I get it, I get it. It's just...I wasn't- I can't..." I groan and place my head in my hands.

"Alex, it'll be okay. We're in this togeth-"

"You don't understand, Elizabeth. I cannot be a father." I interrupt her. She stares in shock at me. I sigh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get upset at you. I'm happy, really, it's just..."

She frowns and looks down. "I know you don't love me, Alex."

I freeze and stare at her. "W-what are you talking about?"

She shakes her head. "There's no need to pretend anymore. I'm not stupid and naive."

I bite my lip. "Eliza..I'm sorr-"

"No, don't be. I know you found someone else. I see the way you look at your roommate." She tells me. My eyes widen.

"Who, John?" I ask. "Pft, please. I don't- Why would I- We're just friends."

"I know that." She says softly. "But you wish you were more than friends." I don't answer and she smiles gently at me. "I don't know why you're still with me, but I don't want to stand in the way."

"But what about.. Well.." I gesture to the pregnancy test in her hand. Last week we did the deed because I felt like we had to, and now this happened.

"Right..." Her eyes start to water and she smiles at it. "I want to keep it, Alex. I know we won't be together to raise it, but I think we can still raise this child together. Just as friends, of course."

I nod slowly. "But..What if I'm not ready to be a father? I mean, it's not like I had a good example growing up.." I mumble.

"Alex, it'll be okay. Let's just take this one step at a time." I nod in response and she takes a deep breath. "We are officially just friends, now though. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Thank you for understanding, Eliza." I tell her. "I don't deserve you, not one bit."

She smiles gently. "Oh, stop it. In the meantime, you need to tell John."

"Tell John what?" John asks as he enters the room from one of his classes. He smiles at us before looking in Eliza's hands and seeing the test. His eyes widen before he looks back up at us. "Is that a-- um.."

I sigh and nod. "Yeah, it's a pregnancy test."

He nods slowly. "Well um... Congratulations?" He says, almost as a question.

Eliza smiles at him. "Yes, it's a good thing. For both of us." She looks at me. She then stands up after kissing my cheek. "I'll see you guys later. Do me a favor and...Don't tell anyone. Not yet."

We both nod and she promptly exits the room. John sits down across from me and smiles. "Congrats, man. You're going to be a father. You and Eliza will be great parents-"

"We broke up." I say suddenly.

He pauses and looks at me with a look of confusion. "I'm...I'm sorry?"

"We broke up." I repeat. "She uh...Well we just fell out of love."

"I'm sorry, man...That's awful." He says, frowning gently.

"I mean, I guess everyone has to move on eventually." I shrug.

He stares at me. "Well, what are you going to do about the baby?"

"It's a little early to decide fully, but our relationship ended on good terms. We're going to take care of the kid together." I say plainly. "I'll just have to find a job soon so Eliza's not paying for everything by herself.."

He nods, not quite seeming to get it but not wanting to pester me it seemed. I smile at him. I hated asking him about Francis, because he always responded with a good response (which makes me sound terrible), but at least he looked all adorable talking about him.

"So, what about you and Francis? Everything still great between you two?" I ask.

"Yeah, no baby problems." He jokes and we both chuckle gently. "Can I tell you something?"

I nod. "Go ahead." I say, leaning against the wall.

"I think...I think Francis might be my soulmate." He whispers, blushing madly and smiling from ear to ear.

My eyebrows rise in surprise. I knew this wasn't the truth, but I couldn't tell him that, right? "What makes you think that?" I ask.

"Well, obviously just him in general. He's amazing and treats me well and yadda yadda yadda, but last week," he pauses. "I got a text message from him and a note from my soulmate at the same time. And they both said the same thing."

"What did they say?" I ask, thinking of when I wrote to him last week.

"My soulmate wrote 'You're Amazing' right here." He says, pointing at his forearm. "And then not a second later, Francis texted me saying 'You're Amazing.'"

I nod and mentally curse myself for writing something so generic to him. I knew I should've gone with something more...Romantic. "Well, that's pretty cool." I nod.

"Any luck finding your soulmate?" He asks.

"Oh, well, you know." I say, not sure how to respond. I had already found my soulmate, but he didn't know that. "I have my eyes on someone I think may be the person."

"Really? Who? Do I know them?" He asks excitedly.

"Nah, I don't think so." I shrug.

He nods. "Oh, okay.." He looks down at his phone as it rings. "Oh, sorry I have to take this, it's Francis."

I nod. "It's alright, I'll just put in my headphones and work on my homework." I say as I reach for my headphones. He smiles and mouths thank you as he answers the phone.

Timeskip brought to you by..Well, I don't know what lyric to put because I'm listening to Blue....But it's skipping to end of April

"I don't know why you can't just listen to me-"

"John we talked about this! You know I don't want-"

"Yeah well this isn't about you, Francis. It's my life why can't you-"

I groan as I take out my earbuds, glaring at the two "lovebirds" arguing in front of me. "Hello? Can you two please be quiet?"

"Shut up, Alex, it's none of your business." Francis says to me.

I frown and open my mouth to speak, but John replies faster than me. "Don't you speak to him that way, he did nothing wrong!"

"I never said he did, I just don't want him budding in on our conversation." Francis says angrily.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have chosen to start this argument in front of him!" John almost yells. I've never heard him so angry, not even at me.

"Fine, why don't we just go somewhere else, then? That way we're not bothering anyone." Francis sighs.

"Fine, okay let's just go outside." John says as he storms outside the room.

They don't go very far, for I can still hear them arguing most of the time. They had been arguing a bit more lately, but this was unlike any argument they've had before. I'm not sure why they were fighting so much.

The fighting quiets down and I put my earbuds back in, going back to my school work. We graduate in a month, and I'm way behind. I enjoy having friends, truly, but they are a major distraction. John especially.

I wish I could tell him...But I'm still waiting for the right time.. Whenever that time may be.

1292 Words

I wrote this in less than 24 hours. And here I was thinking I had writer's block

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu