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Alex's POV


I get a cab home alone. There was so much going through my mind. I lost everyone when I was younger, and now I've lost my son, too.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asks as I sit down in the back seat. Without looking at him, I type out my address and show it to him, too sad to talk.

"One of those days, huh?" He asks.

I look up at him.

"One of those days, huh?"

I look up at the girl standing next to me. Catharine Livingston. Or just Kitty. She was a beautiful teenaged girl, who also happened to be my babysitter when I was younger, but alas was unavailable.

I nod slowly. "Yeah...My dad left. He walked out on us earlier this morning." I say under my breath.

She frowns. "Alex, I'm so sorry..."

I shake my head. "It's not your fault.. It'll be okay. I'm sure of it.."

I just nod at the driver. "Yeah...Yeah one of those days.." I stare at the ground. He drives me to Washington's house and I look up at it, remembering the first day I came.

"Alright Alex, this is your new foster family. Please, try and consider staying in this home, they're a lovely family and really want to care for you." The older lady says in a sweet tone, though I knew she was annoyed with me. 

I scoff slightly. "Yeah right, they don't even know me." 

"Thank goodness for that." I hear her mumble. She knocks on the door  and it opens to reveal a dark-skinned, tall and young teenaged boy. He smiles and pulls me into a hug immediately and I frown. I don't do hugs. 

"You must be my new little brother!" He exclaims excitedly. "My name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette, but for short, I go by Marie-Joseph. Or Paul. Or Gilbert. Or Marquis." He smiles brightly at me. 

"Um... Hello, Lafayette." I tell him. I know it wasn't one of his nicknames, but I'd prefer to stay on a last name basis with everyone. I'm not really sure what his full last name is, but I know that was at least the last name in his name. 

"Ooh, that's a good one. Way easier to go by, and still French!" He says excitedly. "What's your name?" He asks. 

I look up at my caseworker and shake my head. "Nope, I can't do it-"

"Ah, you must be Alexander!" I hear a more adult voice call out. I cringe and my caseworker forces me to turn around. "I'm George Washington, and this is my wife, Martha."

I nod at them. "Well, Mr and Mrs Washington, Lafayette, it was great to meet you, really. But I think I'm going to-"

"Go check out your room, why don't you!" The lady behind me interrupts. I'm convinced she wants me to get adopted only so she doesn't have to deal with me anymore.

Lafayette excitedly grabs my hand and drags me through the house. "We're sharing a room!" He exclaims and I mentally groan.

It's okay, soon I'll be out of here. They'll get tired of me, just like every other foster family.

I walk up to the house and open the door, walking in slowly. I walk past the kitchen to my room and open it to see the little girl from earlier sleeping in my bed, cuddling with one of Philip's stuffed animals.

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora