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John's POV

"So...You're my dad?" Frances asks from the back seat. 

I nod. "Yeah..Yeah it seems that way." I say. I look at her from the rear view mirror to see she is looking out the window, sniffling still. 

"And Mom is..." She pauses. "Mom is gone?" She asks, looking up at me. 

I nod again. "Yeah...I'm so sorry, Frances." I say quietly. 

She lets out a couple tears and goes back to looking out the window. I sigh and drive to Martha and George's house. I don't know what we were going to do. Alex and I may have to look into getting our own apartment. I hate feeling like a burden on these wonderful people. 

I pull up to the house and walk in with Frances in my arms. I enter the house and am immediately greeted with confused looks from both George and Martha. "Just one moment, I'll explain everything." I tell them and they nod.

I bring Frances to my room and lay her down on mine and Alex's bed. "Here, why don't you get some sleep? I'm going back to the hospital, George and Martha will take care of you while I'm there, okay?"

She clings onto me. "Are you coming back from the hospital?" She asks. 

I hug her. "Yes, yes I am I promise. I'll be coming home tonight, okay?"

She nods and lays down. I look around and grab a teddy bear from Philip's crib, handing it to her. "There you go. We'll get some of your stuff later, alright?"

She nods again before yawning and laying down with her stuffed animal. I kiss her forehead before exiting the room, closing the door behind me, and walking into the livingroom.

George and Martha were already sitting on the couch, waiting for an explanation. I sigh and sit down. "So, we had to go to the hospital because Peggy and Philip got in a car crash." I start.

They both gasp and Martha leans forward. "Are they okay?" She asks.

I hesitate. "Peggy will be, but there's a good chance she won't remember anything. We have gotten no word on Philip yet..."

Martha covers her mouth with her hand and shakes her head. She looks over at George. "This won't be good for Alex.." She mumbles to him.

George nods at her. "I know, we just have to be there for him as much as possible, Martha." He turns to me. "Anyway, continue."

"So we were waiting in the waiting room, and I saw this little girl in the corner all by herself. I talked to her and the nurse ended up coming over and telling her she needed to say goodbye to her mother." I say. Martha shakes her head again.

"The poor thing... Why wasn't her father there?" She asks.

"Well, that's the thing...She asked me to go in with her and I actually knew her mother. Her and I, well, made the child five years ago.." I say, blushing lightly. "Turns out, I'm the father."

"And you didn't know?" George asks.

I shake my head. "No, I had no idea. I never saw her again, and she never contacted me. I was like sixteen at the time..."

George shakes his head. "That's...That's crazy."

"Anyway, I need you guys to watch her for me, please. I have to go back to Alex. He barely was speaking to me when I left.." I ask. They both nod.

"Of course we'll watch her. Go see him, he needs you right now." Martha says sweetly. I smile at her and then exit the house, getting into the car and driving back to the hospital.

I rush in and see Lafayette and Hercules leaving. They smile sadly at me. "Oh, thank goodness you're here...We just got the news.." Lafayette says sadly.

"What news?" I ask, a little concerned by their overall tone.

"Philip didn't make it.." Hercules says quietly.

I feel my heart drop. Sure he wasn't my kid, but I have been helping take care of him for the past like 7 months.

"Where's Alex?" I ask.

"In Philip's room with Eliza... Angelica is with Peggy trying to help her out." Lafayette explains.

"Oh, Peggy's awake?" I ask. They nod and I sigh. "Thanks, guys...I'll see you later." I wave at them and then slowly walk down the hall towards Philip's room.

I knock on the door and enter to see Eliza and Alex sitting near the small bed. Eliza was sobbing hysterically, leaning on Alex who was holding her, not showing any emotion.

Alex looks up at me, a pained look on his face. I walk over and crouch down, looking at Eliza. She throws herself onto me and I hug her back, rubbing her back gently. I look up at Alex and hold his hand, but he pulls it away quickly.

Angelica walks in and takes Eliza out of the room, though she protested it. I sat down next to Alex, not wanting to touch him in fear he would pull away again. He finally started to cry and I rubbed his back, my eyes tearing up as well.

"Alex, I'm so sorry...Know that I'm always here for you-"

"We need to break up." Alex says, pursing his lips as tears fell from his eyes.

I stare at him in shock. I was not expecting him to break up with me right now. "W-what?" I ask. Maybe I heard him wrong.

He looks at me and shakes his head. "We..We can't be together. I'm breaking up with you." He says, before standing up to leave.

"Alex, what the hell? You can't just say that and then leave, why? What did I do?" I ask, trying to hold back my tears.

"No, I just can't be with you.." He says before leaving the room. I sit in the chair, not sure what to do. I look over at the bed and then hold my head in my hands, beginning to sob. This was just too much to process all in one hour.

1019 Words

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat