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Alex's POV

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't let you get on that plane, sir." The flight attendant says, smirking up at John. "But, if you want, I've got a few hours before my flight to Chicago. We could go have some..fun." She smiles. 

John looks down at her in disgust. "Ma'am, I really need to get on that plane, you don't understand, my daughter-"

She raises an eyebrow and looks at his hands. "No ring, daughter...Are you a single father?" She asks, looking up at him. 

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and starts stammering, not sure what to say. 

"No, we're together. Now, if you could kindly move out of the way, we need to get on that flight to get his daughter." I say, standing next to him and holding his hand. 

She scoffs at me. "You two? Are you serious?" She looks up at John, her hand still on his chest, which was honestly pissing me off. "You could do so much better." She mumbled. 

I froze. She was right, that was my whole reason for breaking up with him in the first place. I pull my hand away out of instinct, but quickly cover it up by removing her hand from his chest. "Honey, you ain't it." I tell her. 

She shrieks. "Security!" She yells and I immediately take my hand away from hers, though the guards were already running over to us. 

"What seems to be the problem?" The one guard asks. 

"These guys are harassing me! Don't let them on that plane, they're trying to find some little girl!" She lies to them. 

They nod in unison and then look over at us. "Gentlemen, I'm going to have to ask you to come with us."

"But my daugh-"

"Shut it, come with us before we have you arrested!" One of the guards interrupts John. 

He grumbles something and we walk with them, away from the flight attendant. I quickly flip her off and she shrugs and walks away, waving some cash in her hand as she did. The little bitch got paid to keep us off the flight. 

We enter a detainment area and they tell John and I to sit down. It takes about an hour before someone comes in to talk to us, and John was freaking out more and more by the minute. 

"Hello, gentlemen. If you two are cooperative, you'll be out of here and on your flights in no time." The man says. 

"Well, sir, here's the thing. The flight we needed to be on left an hour ago, and now his daughter is halfway to South Carolina with someone who is a danger to her." I say angrily. He raises an eyebrow and looks at the paper. 

"This says you're in here for harassing a flight attendant? Let's just start with that." He says. 

"Sir, she was harassing us. She wouldn't let us get on the plane and kept...suggesting things." John says a little quietly. 

The man sighs. "Sir, Carrie is one of our most trusted flight attendants, I really don't think she would've been trying to keep you off the plane for no reason."

"Not for no reason, a man paid her some extra cash to do it. I saw her waving it at me as she walked away." I say, crossing my arms. 

He raises an eyebrow. He then turns to one of the security guards. "Will you call Carrie in here, please?"

"Sir, please. We didn't mean any harm, I just need to get to South Carolina right now. That man that paid her took my daughter with him, and who knows what he'll do with her when they get there? I just need to get her back.." John says, tears pricking his eyes. 

I rub his arm and he looks over at me, immediately wiping his eyes to stop him from crying. He turns back to the man sitting in front of us as the door opens, the same blonde flight attendant walking in. She frowns at us and then looks at the..Whoever he was. 

"You asked to see me, sir?" She asks. 

"Carrie, these men here claim you took cash from someone to keep him from getting on that flight.. Is this true?" He asks. 

She shakes her head and I scoff. "No, sir. The man with the freckles came up to me and started saying...things to me, and then the shorter man grabbed me before I called for security." She says, holding her hands behind her back. 

"You lying little bi-"

"Sir, please. That's not necessary here." The man scolds me and I huff and sit back in my chair. "Now, Carrie, if we come to find this isn't true, you risk losing your job. Do you understand that?" 

She nods. "Of course I do, I wouldn't lie about this. The taller one came up to me trying to pursue me and-"

"Bitch, I'm gay!" John defends. "Why the hell would I ever want to pursue you?" 

I stifle a laugh as both Carrie and the man sitting in the chair stare at him in shock. "You want me to prove it? 'Cause I will."

"Um, no thank you, sir." The man says, shifting uncomfortably. "You two are free to go, I'm sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused, we will be sure to get you on the next flight to South Carolina." John smiles brightly and the man turns to Carrie. "Um..Carrie, you're fired. You will not be on that flight to Chicago in an hour, grab your stuff and go home."

Carrie scoffs and before I could laugh at her, she storms out and John starts talking. "So, when's our flight?" He asks. 

He looks at his screen. "Looks like there's two open seats on a flight in...ten minutes. They only have first class seats is that alright?" He asks. 

"Perfectly fine, we just need to get going. Where do we go?" John asks. 

Once we get all the information, John runs, dragging me behind him, to the gate we were supposed to be at. We get on the plane and I look around. "I've never been in first class before.." I mumble to myself. 

John looks over. "It's not all it's cracked up to be. It's actually almost the same as regular seats, just pricier." He chuckles gently before looking out the window, biting his lip. 

"Are you alright?" I ask. 

He looks over and nods, smiling gently. "Yeah, yeah of course I am. We're on our way to get Frances." 

"John, I know you're lying, I can tell when something's wrong." I say to him. "What's wrong?"

He sighs softly. "It's just...After I joined the military, I thought I was finally done with my dad. Finally able to make my own decisions.. I never thought I'd have to go back to South Carolina.."

I nod. "I see..." I place my hand on top of his to try and calm him down. "Don't worry, we won't be staying, I promise."

"How can you promise something like that?" He asks. 

"Because I can't stand the south, John. Not after Jeffershit." 

He laughs slightly and I smile, glad I could bring a smile to his face. Honestly, I've missed him these past couple months. I was starting to like the fact that he asked me to come with him on this weird mission. 

1222 Words

Yeah y'all remember Carrie? Thought I'd add her to this story as well :p

I was going to name the character after someone I can't stand, then decided you know, some people already know Carrie from my last story so why not

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