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Alex's POV

I get off the plane and sigh, looking around. John was supposed to be coming home with me, but unfortunately that wasn't an option. I look around and greet George, as he was waiting to give me a ride home.

He spots me and smiles, walking towards me. "Ah, there you are!" He looks around. "Um..Where's John?" He asks.

I frown and stare at the ground. "Uh, he had to stay. His duties aren't quite done yet."

He frowns down at me. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.."

"It's okay, I don't know what I was expecting anyway."

"Well, at least you know he's okay." He says. He was always one to look on the bright side of things. I don't know how he did it.

"Why don't we head back to your house?" I suggest and he nods.

We drive home and I feel a sort of emptyness overwhelm me. I knew he was okay, but I was sad he wouldn't be coming home with me. There was so much I wanted to do the second he got back.

I wanted to officially introduce him to Philip. I think he'd be really good with kids, and I'm pretty sure Philip would absolutely adore him.

I also wanted to take him out and cuddle with him and just physically be next to him. But alas, duty calls. There's always gotta be something coming between us it seems.

I sigh and stare out the window. I can tell George notices something is wrong, but he doesn't say anything. His phone buzzes and he looks down at it for a quick moment while the light is red. He smiles and then shuts his screen off, turning his turn signal on and going into the left lane.

I raise an eyebrow. "What are you doing? This isn't the way to your house."

"We're gonna go out to eat." He says.

I groan at this. "George, I'm not hungry-"

"And Martha will throw a fit if you don't eat." He points out. I sigh dramatically, knowing he was right. She was very obsessive over that kind of stuff.

"But still, why can't we just eat when we get to your house?"

"Alex, just relax." He says and I sigh, returning to stare out the window.

Eventually we get to the restaurant and the waitress leads us to the back of the restaurant. They brought us to that separate room they use when the party has a bunch of people and I raise an eyebrow. "Why are we going back here if it's just us two?"

"I may have invited some other people." He says in a somewhat mischievous tone. 

I groan quietly as we are led into the room. I see the family I was staying with, the Schuyler sisters (with Philip, of course), and Hercules. I look at all of them, sighing softly. It was almost everyone I was close with. Everyone except John. 

"You're finally here!" Hercules exclaims. Everyone looks over at me and I smile and awkwardly wave at them.

"Um...Am I missing something?"

"More like someone." I hear a voice from behind me say. I smile brightly and immediately turn to hug them. I hug them tightly and he chuckles. "Alright, alright. I still have to breath, Alex." The southern accent jokes.

I look up at him and kiss him. "Says who?" I mumble after pulling away.

He smiles down at me and I hear someone else clear their throat. "Um, hello? You're not the only person he's here to see!" Peggy jokes and I stick my tongue out at her. John wraps his arm around me and he greets everyone. I grab Philip from Angelica's arms and lift him up. 

He squeals and I walk over to John as he's talking to Peggy and Hercules. It's only now that I realize he was wearing his army uniform, just like those cheesy coming home videos you see on YouTube that make you cry. He looks kind of hot in it, though, so I'm not complaining. 

I show Philip off to John and he stops mid conversation to gasp at the child. "Hi, Philip!" He cooed, holding him in his arms. He bounced him gently and Hercules nods.

"Ah yes, John and Mini John." He says.

John gives him a confused look and Peggy rolls her eyes. "For the last time, Herc, Philip does not look like John." She scolds him. I chuckle gently. Herc had been telling us all that since he's seen Philip, but I just don't get it. 

John looks at Philip and shakes his head. "Nope, I don't see it." He says. 

Hercules sighs dramatically. "Look at his freckles!" He exclaims. I shake my head, laughing gently. 

"First off, I have way more freckles than that. Second off, he has his father's face, especially the eyes." He looks down at Philip and smiles. "Those damn eyes.." He mumbles.

"Hey, I've been trying not to cuss in front of him!" I slap his arm and he chuckles. I then lean in and mumble, "Mainly only because Eliza would kill me."

Eliza looks over and raises an eyebrow. "Why would I kill you?" She asks, walking over to us.

"Oh, nothing." I say, smiling over at her.

She raises an eyebrow at me and shakes her head. "I worry about leaving Philip with you sometimes."

"As you should." John responds. I smack his arm again. "Hey, I'm just telling the truth!"

I roll my eyes and Eliza giggles. "Am I taking Philip with me or would you like to keep him for the night?" She asks me. It was supposed to be my night, but now John is here and I'm not sure if John wants to be interrupted by a crying baby.

"Um, it depends on John-"

"Could you take him for the night?" John asks before leaning his head on mine, since he was so freaking tall. "Alex and I have some..catching up to do." He says and I blush a bit.

"Ew, nobody wants to hear that, John!" Peggy exclaims. She was always the "innocent" one of the group, or at least she always acted like it.

Eliza purses her lips together. "Yeah, I think I definitely want to take him with me tonight." She gently takes him from John's arms, smiling at him. "Come to mama." She says sweetly.

She sits down with her sisters and I turn to see Peggy, John, and Herc talking once again. I never realized how close Peggy and John got, but maybe they got closer after he left? I dunno, I could see why they got along, though.

"Hey, where's Laf?" John asks suddenly.

"Oh, he went to live in France for the summer. Staying with an old friend or something." Peggy says.

I look over at her. I didn't know she was friends with Lafayette as well. "How did you know?" I ask.

She raises an eyebrow at me. "I talk to him all the time, Alex." She sticks her tongue out at me, most likely because I did it to her earlier, and I chuckle.

The dinner went by and soon it was just me, John Laurens, George and Martha, and Patsy and John Parke, since we all were riding in the same car. John and I sat in the very back, Patsy and Parke in the middle, and Martha and George in the front. I had my legs over John's as he held me. I felt happy being in his arms again.

I look up at him. "I love you, John."

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "I love you too."

1280 Words


I may be ending this book soon. I'm starting to get bored with this book aha...

I'm thinking of maybe doing some sort of sequel tho...? Either that or I'll be working on another Lams, I dunno yet.

Or maybe both because why not stress myself more? :)

Anyway see ya in the next chapterrrrrr

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