♣ NINE ♣

300 16 219

John's POV

I walk through the hallways of the dorm building, trying to avoid noticing some of the glares I was getting. There were also some people nodding at me and thanking me. Like, what the hell is wrong with people?

I open the door to my dorm room and the short male sitting on the bed glares up at me, showing he clearly had seen it. "Don't give me that crap, I've heard enough of it." I tell him, sighing softly. 

I then go over and lay down on my bed, facing away from him. I didn't want him to see me as weak or anything, but I was starting to take all this nonsense pretty roughly. 

"Well, you haven't heard it from me." He says stubbornly. "What the hell is wrong with you? Who gave you the right to post that and ruin two other people's lives? And since when do you hang out with Jefferson? Don't you know how awful he is?" My eyes threaten to spill tears as he continues to yell at me. Well, he wasn't necessarily yelling, but he was talking in an angry tone. I stay silent, as it's my natural reaction. "Hello, I'm talking to you."

I turn and glare at him slightly. "You know what, Hamilton? I didn't even post it. I was trying to convince him not to post it, but he did it anyway. And I don't know why you're mad at me, I'm not the one who cheated on someone a few days after getting into a relationship." I tell him, using the same tone as him before turning back around to face the wall. 

"Okay, I know what I did was wrong. I will admit to that." He starts. "But that still doesn't give you the right to go and ruin my life over it. What are my professors going to think? What about the people who are somewhat close to me? What about Eliza's older sister? You know she's going to kill me when she sees it-"

"So let her." I say stubbornly, not even turning around to say it. 

The only sound that could be heard was silence, before I started to actually cry. I tried to keep it as quiet as possible, but it was a little difficult with Hamilton not saying anything for once in his life. 

"John, I'm sor-"

"No. You don't need to be sorry. You helped me realize my mistake." I interrupt him. I didn't want his fake apologies. I grab my phone and earbuds, as well as throw on a hoodie, before exiting the room. 

As I listen to my music, I pull my hood up and look down at the ground, not wanting any more hate from people. I bump into someone and look up and start apologizing immediately. 

"I'm so so so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

"It's alright. Are you okay?" He asks, looking at my most likely tear stained face.

I look down again and nod. "Ye-yeah I'm fine.. Just walking around." I say to him. 

He raises an eyebrow. "You look like you've been through a lot... Did you wanna talk about it?" He asks. 

I tilt my head. Had he not seen the post? Or maybe he just doesn't know who I am.. Either way, why would he want to help me? "Um...I'm -I'm okay, really. Thank you, though." I tell him as I begin to walk away.

"Wait," he calls. I turn around, my hands shoved in my hoodie pockets. "Let me give you my number at least. Just so you have someone to talk to if you change your mind."

I hesitate but hand him my phone after pressing the add a new contact button. He puts in his number and I grab my phone, looking down at the contact. "Nice to meet you, Francis." I nod at him. "I'm John."

"Nice to meet you as well, John."

Timeskip brought to you by all these teens.

"Johnny!" Thomas exclaims as I enter his room.

He kept his door unlocked and I constantly was over anyway, so this was normal for us. I close the door behind me and walk over before plopping face down on his bed. It was way comfier than mine. 

"John, you okay?" I hear James ask from the other side of the room. 

"Oh, just fine and dandy." I say sarcastically as I sit up. I pull my hood down and sigh. "Thomas, why am I getting hate for this? I didn't do anything wrong, hell, I didn't even post it. I was just tagged in it."

The tall man just sighs and sits down next to me, rubbing my shoulder. "I know, I've seen all the comments and stuff. I'm sorry about tagging you, I guess I've dealt with this shit for so long I forgot how it affected me at first. I just kind of assumed you'd be okay."

This was odd. Thomas was being sweet and sincere. Sure he was my friend, but he was naturally a sarcastic asshole and there just was no changing that. He must actually feel bad about this.

"It's alright, it'll die down I'm sure. I mean, how mad can people really be at me for this?" I ask and then sigh. "Well, except for my roommate. Hamilton isn't exactly happy with me right now."

Thomas nods slowly and then James pipes up. "Maybe you should just give him some space? Or just flat out ignore him, whatever works better for you. Don't stress yourself out over how he feels, he did this to himself." He suggests. "He doesn't really bother me too much, he's always fighting with Thomas too much to even notice me half the time."

"Yeah, and then the little asshole brings you into it the other half of the time. Makes fun of things you can't control." Thomas mumbles, crossing his arms. James placed his hand on his arm. 

"Thomas, that was sophomore year. We're way past that." 

"You know, I think I'm just going to head out, get a nice breath of fresh air. Thanks for the advice." I say as I stand up.

"Are you going to stay in your dorm tonight?" Thomas asks, tilting his head. "Because if you are, tell Hamilton to turn his damn phone on."

I shrug. "I'm not sure yet..I might just go back to my dorm later when he's asleep."

They nod at me. "You're always welcome here, you know that." James says. "Just come in and find a place to sleep in here if you'd like. But if you're going to steal a blanket, steal Thomas's."

James chuckles as Thomas scoffs and throws a pillow at him. "Hey, I need a blanket, too!"

I chuckle softly. "Later guys." I say to them before walking out. I look around and bite my lip, not sure what I should do next. 

I thought I could ask Thomas how he was dealing with all of this, but apparently this is just normal to him. I look down at my phone and hesitate before opening my messages. I look through all of the contacts I could text. 

Lafayette and Hercules were definitely mad at me, so there was no way I could text them. They'd just ignore or yell at me. 

Thomas and James are very nonchalant about this whole situation, so they weren't very much help. 

I look at Aaron's contact for a bit. He would be going through the same thing right now, wouldn't he? Maybe not though, nobody notices him because of how quiet he is. 

I then see Francis's contact and bite my lower lip. He did say I could talk to him about it if I wanted, but I kind of just met him. Would it be awkward venting to him?

Then again, ranting to a stranger is sometimes better than ranting to someone you know..

I click his contact and sigh as I type out a message on my phone.

John Hey, it's John. You still up to talk?

The response takes a little bit longer than I expected and I could feel myself growing more and more anxious. Maybe he was just trying to be nice, but didn't really mean it.

Francis Yeah, of course. Just meet me in dorm 1782.

I didn't realize he was on the same floor as me. Although I guess that would explain why he was walking in the same hallway I was when I left my room.

I put on my hood and text him back before walking towards the elevator to go talk to him.

John Okay, see you soon.

1451 Words

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now