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Alex's POV

These past few months have been...Interesting, to say the least. I thought John coming back would make everything right with the world, but apparently the universe doesn't like me having a break. 

For one, I started school online rather than in person so that I could be home more. Now I can watch Philip while working on my degree. Eliza likes that part, since she is still going to school in person. 

However, moving online means I'm not allowed to stay in the dorms, so I'm living with the Washingtons still. John and I are the only two left besides George and Martha, since the other three are at college. JP is somewhere in California, Patsy is in Jersey, and Lafayette is down the street at King's College. 

Another stressor has definitely been work. My boss, John Adams, is a complete asshole. He knows about everything I'm trying to do, but still won't promote me or anything. He also hired Thomas Jefferson and the two are oddly fond of each other. Couldn't have more different opinions, but are really good friends. 

In the meantime, I had to take John out on a date. I told him it was a surprise, but realistically I didn't even know where we were going. All I knew is I bribed Peggy to watch Philip so I could spend the day with him. 

"Where are we going again?" John asks, looking out the window as I drove my car. 

"I told you, it's a surprise." I smile at him and he groans. 

"If I guess will you tell me?" He asks, trying to use his puppy dog eyes on me.

"Hm...Maybe." I say. 

"Okay, I'll take maybe." he pauses as he thinks. "Amusement park? Carnival? Aquarium?" He continues guessing, but I now know where I'm taking him. There was a new aquarium that just opened last month, and John would not let me hear the end of it. It was perfect. 

I drive us there, John still bugging me with questions the whole time. Once I park, John's face lights up, and I can't help but smile. "The new aquarium?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I kind of came up with it on the way over here." I chuckle before getting out of the car. 

He rolls his eyes. "Oh, wow so romantic, you put so much thought into this." I shrug. 

"You know you love me." 

We walk in and I buy us tickets for a few hours and we walk around. John was gushing over all of the cute animals the entire time, but I couldn't help but watch him. None of the sea otters could compare to John, and that was just a fact. We soon go to the food court and get lunch, sitting down together. 

"What was your favorite part?" John asks, taking a bite into his sandwich. 

I shrug. "I don't know, I thought the whole thing was kinda cool."

"Kind of? This place is amazing!" I chuckle gently and he just shrugs. "I dunno, I guess I just appreciate sea creatures more." 

I nod. "No kidding. I wish you would look at me the way you looked at those turtles." I say dramatically. 

"Well, you're kind of a turtle in a way." He says. I raise an eyebrow. 

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"Well, you've got this shell surrounding you to help you avoid people. You bite and hiss at people who are bothering you, but you're very cute and lovable once they get to know you." He explains. "That, and everyone just assumes you're friendly because you're so small." 

I scoff. "I'm not that small." I mumble, biting into my sandwich. 

"Alex, just last week, Peggy gave you her hand-me-down clothes. She's a 20 year old girl, you're a 21 year old male." I frown and he raises an eyebrow. "Speaking of Peggy, what were you guys talking about this morning?" 

"Hm? Oh, I just have to ask Laf about Peggy. She's crushing on him." I say. He smiles. 

"I knew it! She wouldn't admit it, but I knew it!" He exclaims. "I've always thought those two would be a weird, chaotic but perfect couple." He shrugs. 

I nod. "Yeah, Laf is crushing on her too, but he'd kill me if I ever told her." I laugh gently and John's eyes widen. 

"We should set them up!" He says excitedly. 

I think about it and nod. "Ok, but how?"

"I have an idea. Text Laf and I'll text Herc."

Timeskip brought to you by Alexander joining forces with James Madison and John Jay

"Mes amis!" Laf exclaims as he walks into the bar with Hercules walking in by him. John and I were sitting in a booth, waiting for them. 

They sit down across from us and we all exchange "heys" and "hellos." 

"Man, it's been a while since the four of us hung out together." Hercules says. "Ever since you two ditched college." He chuckles. 

"I didn't ditch college, Herc, I'm still going online." I roll my eyes. 

"I did, though. It's weird not having any classes or anything to do, honestly." John laughs. "I should find a job or something."

"Yeah, probably." I tease. "How are classes going, though?"

Laf shrugs. "Fine, you're not really missing much. There's no drama at all." He whines. 

"Any cute girls or guys?" John asks, wiggling his eyebrows at the two. 

"Nah, single for the win!" Hercules chuckles before patting Laf's shoulder. "My roommate here, however, is crushing big time." 

Laf blushes and pushes Hercules out of the booth on accident. "Shut up, I am not." 

"Ooh, who is it?" John asks, though we all know who it is. 

"Is it a certain Schuyler sister?" I ask, teasing him still. 

"Alex, si vous ne la fermez pas, je vous assassinerai." He says whilst smiling at me.

"Jeez, take a joke." We all laugh, though I'm the only one who understood him.

My phone then rings and I raise an eyebrow and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Alexander Hamilton?"  A feminine voice asks.

"Yes, why?"

"Your son and friend have been involved in an accident and are currently in the hospital, you're needed immediately."

1038 Words

Yay finally! It only took rewriting the entire thing :)

Anyway I start school tomorrow so expect updates to be a little slower, sorry!

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