♥ TEN ♥

288 14 62

Alex's POV

I look up from my laptop as my fake brother and his roommate barge into my room. They look around before closing the door.

"Why are you in here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Well, it was to ask you what the hell you were thinking," Lafayette starts. "But now it's to ask where you're roommate is."

I scoff. "As if I'd know." I say as I look back at my laptop.

"Is he pissed at you or something?" Hercules asks.

"Yeah, but what else is new? The guy hates me, and I hate him." I say plainly, not looking up at them.

There was a moment of silence before Lafayette started speaking up again. "Oh, so you wouldn't care that we saw a picture of him cuddling with some other guy?"

I look up at them. "I'm sorry, what?" I ask, sounding confused.

Hercules pulls up his phone and opens Snapchat before showing me George King's story. It showed a picture of some guy cuddling with John, both of them fast asleep.

I roll my eyes. "Why do I care? If anything, him being out of the room is a good thing." I say, going back to typing.

Hercules snickers quietly. "Are you sure? You're not jealous at all?"

"Jealous? Why the hell would I be jealous? That dude ruined my relationship with Eliza." I snap at them.

"Well, technically he didn't ruin your relationship, you and Jefferson did." Hercules explains.

I look up at them. Hercules is crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at me while Lafayette is staring at the ground. He knew me better than anyone else, but that wasn't really by choice.

"Okay, whatever. He still shouldn't have been hanging out with Jefferson. That guy is not a good person." I say before returning to my work once again.

"I don't see why you're blaming this on John. He had basically nothing to do with it and-"

"Well did you guys leave him alone?" I ask, interrupting Hercules. "Because I don't see you two being the type of people to not confront him."

"Well...We did get angry at him..." Lafayette mumbles quietly. "But we're going to apologise as soon as we figure out why you did it."

I look up and raise an eyebrow. "Why I did what?"

Lafayette tilts his head in annoyance. "Alexander, you know exactly what I'm talking about."

I sigh and look at Hercules. I wasn't at all comfortable with him. I wasn't very comfortable with Lafayette either, but I at least knew him and could talk to him since he already knew my past.

Lafayette notices and nods, looking sadly towards Hercules. "Hey, um, why don't you go back to the room? I think Alex and I should talk privately instead..."

Hercules frowns but seems to understand. "Yeah...Okay. See you around, Alex." He waves and then exits.

Lafayette sits on John's bed, facing me and waiting. I sigh and turn towards him, setting my laptop aside. "I don't know exactly why I did it." I admit.

He nods. "Naturally." He comments. "But do you have an idea at least?"

I bite my lip and nod slowly. "Well...A couple weeks ago I found out that John Laurens was my soulmate. You know, with the whole arm writing thing?"

Lafayette gasps. "You found your soulmate? I'm so jealous!"

"Don't be, I hate mine." I scoff. I then whine slightly. "But at the same time I don't."

"Please elaborate, you're confusing me." Lafayette says, crossing his arms. I take a deep breath before I go to explain to him.

"Well, before I found out, I couldn't stand him. He was just plain annoying to me. But like, I was talking to my soulmate on my arm and he seemed pretty chill, you know?" Lafayette nods and I continue.

"Well, then one day I saw him writing on his arm and made fun of him for it, until I saw the same writing that was on my arm. He then proceeded to yell at me about how I couldn't have a soulmate, so I stayed quiet about it." I look to the side. "Then, I found I couldn't focus. Every single thought was about him. That's when I decided to start dating Eliza."

Lafayette nods. "Wow, that seems like a lot. John still doesn't know about this whole soulmate thing?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No, he doesn't. It was driving me crazy and Eliza wasn't helping me very much with forgetting about John, so I tried giving in to Maria. I never really loved either of them, and I feel so bad." I say quietly, dropping my head in my hands. "I fucked up pretty bad, Laf."

I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder and I look up to see Lafayette smiling at me gently. "I think you should tell him, Alex. You may be surprised to hear his response."

I shake my head. "I was going to...I was going to end things with Maria and Eliza and then come clean to him, and then that fricken post blew up and I flipped out on him. Hence why he was with whoever that guy was instead of here."

He nods. "Tell him when he gets back. Apologize for everything and just tell him. Write to him or something."

I smile and nod slightly. "You're right...I think I will." I say to him, smiling back at him.

He holds his arms out for a hug and I groan. "Seriously?" I ask. He knows I don't do hugs.

"Oh, come on, just this one time." He pleads. "Since I helped you out and everything."

I frown and stand up, hugging him gently. He wraps his arms around me and my face buries into his chest. He was so much taller than me, one of the reasons I don't like hugging people.

I pull away. "Okay, okay. That's enough. I've gotta get back to work."

He chuckles. "Alright, see you later Alex." He goes to my door and stops before turning around. "Oh, also, you owe Miss Elizabeth a sincere apology and the full truth."

I sigh and nod. "Yes of course..Bye Laf."

He leaves and I look back at my work, smiling gently.

1055 Words

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now