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John's POV

We sit in the hospital waiting room anxiously. Both Peggy and Philip were in terrible shape, and the doctors haven't really given us any updates. They just keep coming in with these sad glances at us.

Angelica and Eliza were sitting together, Angelica holding onto a crying Eliza. She hadn't stopped crying since we got here, and it was honestly about to make me cry as well. Angelica seemed put together, but I knew that was just her "big sister act" she felt like she had to put on.

Lafayette and Hercules were worried, but obviously not as much. They were sitting together, Herc was staring at his phone and Laf was staring at the entrance to the hospital rooms. He was most likely worried about Peggy, but I mean we all were.

Alex was sitting next to me. He won't let me touch him and he hasn't moved, he's just holding his knees to his chest and staring at the ground. I can't even imagine what he's going through right now. The thought of a child dying would not be a pleasant one. I sat next to him, occasionally telling him everything would be alright and rubbing his back, though he would flinch every time I tried to comfort him.

"Are you guys with Margarita Schuyler?" The nurse asks us. We all look up at her and slowly nod. She lets out a small smile, a sign of hope. "She's going to recover. She is still asleep right now, but there is some bad news.."

Eliza and Angelica try their best not to look super sad, but they can't help it. They look crushed. "What...What is it?" Angelica asks.

"Well, Margarita has suffered severe trauma to the head, and there is a good chance that when she wakes up, she will not remember who she is or anything else." The nurse explains. "We can't quite tell yet whether this will last permanently or temporarily, but we will be running a few more tests before she wakes up to see for sure. Any questions?"

Lafayette stares at the nurse in shock. "She..She won't remember anything at all?"

"It's not likely. She may come to remember little bits and details, but it's going to take some time."

"But she'll be alive, right?" Angelica asks.

The nurse nods. "Yes, she will survive."

"And what about Philip? What about my baby boy?" Eliza asks, now standing. We hadn't heard any word on him this entire time.

The nurse freezes and looks over at her with a sympathetic look. "We're doing everything we can." She replies before nodding at us and turning, exiting the waiting room. Alex's face drops at this and I pull him into a gentle hug. Eliza falls back into Angelica and sobs again.

I hold Alex and I notice he seems very, very afraid. "Hey, I'm sure everything will be okay... The doctors are taking good care of him.."

I look around. The waiting room was a very depressing place. I could see a little girl sitting in the corner by herself, and she looked just as terrified as Alex. She was waiting on someone, but it seemed like she had been waiting a while. I look down at Alex and he pulls himself away from me, returning to his self comforting position and I sigh.

"I'll be right back." I whisper to him and he allows himself to give a small nod.

I stand and walk over to the corner the little girl was in. She couldn't be more than four or five years old. "Hey there." I say quietly.

She jumps and looks up at me. "Oh...Hello.." She says quietly.

I sit down next to her. "I'm John." i say, extending my hand out to her.

She looks up at me but shakes my hand. "I'm Frances..." She says quietly.

"Well, Frances, it's nice to meet you." I tell her. She gives me a small smile, though I could tell she was shy. This poor thing was by herself even before we got here.

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