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Third Person POV

"Mommy, mommy! Look!" The young Carribean boy shouted as he ran to the 27 year old woman with long, dark hair.

The boy shoved his arm in front of his mom's eyes and she giggled. "Oh, Alexander, it's okay. It's just a bit of marker on your arm." She says softly.

The young one shook his head. "No, Mommy! I didn't put it there, though!" He exclaims.

The woman raises an eyebrow and then smiles. "Oh, sweetie that's just your soulmate."

He tilts his head in curiosity. "What's a soulmate? And how did it  write on my arm?"

"Well, Alex, your soulmate is someone who loves you very much. Someone you're meant to be with. Whatever they write on their arms shows up on your arms." She explains kindly. She had loved the idea of having a soulmate, but hers had stopped writing to her long ago.

The young boy's eyes widened. He had never even heard of something like this before. "Is she pretty?" He asks, ecstatically.

The young woman giggles. "I'm not sure, Alex. You're just going to have to meet her someday."

He nods and then runs to his room, grabbing a green marker quickly and scribbling on his arm.

'Hey, my mommy just told me about you!'

However, somewhere on the other side of the world, there was another curious little boy.

"Daddy, what's this say?" The young boy with freckles asks as he rolls up his sleeve.

The man mumbles something before replying with, "Just ignore it, son. It's stupid anyway. Go wash it off your arm." The man has never, ever gotten any marks on his arms, so he decided to just marry anyone who could help him bare children.

The boy nods and goes to the bathroom, hesitating before scrubbing it off furiously. He had no intentions of disobeying his father over something stupid anyway.

2 years later

"Daddy, look at this turtle I drew!" A small freckled boy says, showing off his newly painted arm.

The older man scowled. "John, what did I tell you about writing on your arm? Go wash that off, right now!"

The southern boy frowned and looked down. "I just wanted to use the markers Mommy got me.."

"Yeah, well we have papers for that. Go wash it off, now." The man orders, earning a nod from the seven year old before he went over and washed it off.

Another small boy with darker hair and less freckles stared at his arm and sighed. "Mommy, they're washing it off again." He pouted.

The woman with long hair frowned and rubbed his back. "What did you write?" She asked.

"Actually, they drew a turtle. See?" He showed his mom the faded turtle and she smiled.

"Well Alex, that's progress." She said and he looked at her. "Really?" The young Carribean boy asked. "Yes, of course!" She giggled, while nodding before pulling her son into a hug.

3 years later

"No, James, please don't go!" The thirty something year old woman begged as she held onto her two sons. "Don't leave your family!"

The older man glared at the three people in front of him and scoffed. "You wouldn't understand, Rachel. Goodbye." He then walked out and the woman burst into tears.

The 12 year old boy walked to the door and slammed it behind his father as the 10 year old boy held onto his mom, not quite understanding what was happening. "Mom, where's Dad going?" He asked.

The girl continued to cry as she held her son close to her, unable to answer. She soon went into another room and the other boy put a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "Alex.... Dad's not coming back."

"Why not?" He asked. The older boy just sighed and hugged him before going to check on his mom. The young 10 year old furrowed his eyebrows and looked for a pen.

He only found a green marker, and decided to write on his arms, in hope that his soulmate would some day write back.

His soulmate, however, couldn't bare to read it. He started to, but stopped after a couple words in. The young boy had green marker scribbled on his arm that read "Dad is gone. He left. Please write back, I don't know what to do."

The young southerner made it to the end of the first sentence before he ran to the bathroom and washed it off. He saw the word "Dad" and was terrified of what his would do if he kept it on his arm. His dad had slowly been getting more and more aggressive, sometimes lashing out on the poor boy for no reason whatsoever.

Two years later

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" The old man screamed at his 7 year old daughter. "You think you can just do whatever the fuck you want?"

John overheard this and frowned, walking in between his father and little sister before he could hit her. "Father, stop, she did nothing wrong!" He begged him.

The old man just laughed and shoved the twelve year old out of the way. By then, the little girl had already ran away, so Henry just took all of his anger out on the freckled boy laying ok the ground in front of him.

Later that evening, the poor southerner felt a stinging pain in his arm, much different from when he was written to. This was because on the other side of the world, there was a small, orphan boy doing the only thing he thought he could do to feel something.

He stared at his arms as tears escaped his eyes rapidly, not sure what else to do. His mother was gone, he was separated from his brother, and he had nothing left. He then realized that his soulmate could probably see his scars, and cried even more.

He continued to stare at his arms, sitting there for hours, waiting on a response from his soulmate. There was nothing to wash off, so he had no clue if they saw it or not.

After four hours of sitting in his room and occasionally adding more scars among his wrists, he decided his soulmate didn't care and that it was pointless to try and talk to them.

1053 Words

To My Dearest, Enemy (Lams Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now