10. To live freely

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"Kate, Adam; good morning," she says without a hint of emotion in her voice. "Will this be a regular thing?" She turns her head and her eyes become softer when she looks at me.

"I don't know, it only happened once," I answer her and put down the last of the orange on the table. I don't feel sick anymore to my comfort. I give my mother a daring glare back. "Don't intimidate my mate, mother. You are making the Wolf Spirits upset."

Mother takes a step back in respect at my request and Adam suddenly breaks out in a loud nervous laugh.

"You two are so alike," he says amused. "It seems like Kate grew into your personality Mrs Starley."

"Indeed she did, against all odds," Mother says thoughtfully. "She didn't lose her rebellious side. I was afraid that Mary and Kate would be the same all their lives. Sometimes I blame myself for what happened because of that stupid thought."

Sorrow fills me when I think of Mother who suffered so many years for something that wasn't her fault.

"The Wolf Spirits gives us strength when needed. They do not force us away from our family. Each individual is given a free will that the Spirits will not interfere with. Mother, it is not your fault that I was taken. It was entirely his."

I shake in anger when I think of all the years he kept me away from here. I owe Elias so much for rescuing me. I forced a lid on my emotions for too many years just to prove myself for Rosalea that I can behave.

"Kate I am aware that you are independent and brought up in a different way than I would have," Mother says respectfully. "You are also old enough to make your own decisions and mistakes. I was away too long from your life to request you to listen to my wishes."

"I am free," I state confidently and happy that she understands me even if it is hard for her to let me go.

"Yes, Kate. You are free."

I close my eyes and my weak knees are barely holding me up. I am free but I still feel chained to this body and this life I'm forced to live until I can join the life that's waiting for me. I need Jupiter and I don't feel like lending him out to Mary. He should be here and comfort me.

"I need to see Mary," I tell Mother and Adam. "She needs me."

"She's working in the garden this morning," Mother tells me even though I know exactly where she is. "I need to talk with Adam. Aren't you wearing shoes?"

She gives my naked feet a glance and I quickly look down on them and wriggle my toes. It's nice to feel the floor in direct contact to my skin. It also feels weird to hold a conversation with the Mother I barely know. It must feel so weird for her too.

"Not wearing shoes is freedom," I tell her smartly and grab Adam's elbow. "Have a nice day at work." I reach up and plant a kiss on Adam's cheek before leaving the house.

The village looks different in daylight. It's very peaceful and eerie with the most amazing gardens. I must find someone who knows everything about the flowers. My hands are craving for contact with greenery.

I can hear everything that's happening in the village, but it's a mass of sounds and I need to focus hard to hear a specific conversation. It will take a few weeks to sort who all voices belong to. First I listen to Mary who is digging a hole in the ground for a reason I need to ask her about. She seems to be in a good mood and I am happy about that. My brother's mate is lazily lying on her back on the grass. Tom is in another part of the village, looking after a few people who seem to be prisoners of some kind.

It feels fantastic to be back with my own pack. I don't feel like an outcast and every person outdoors waves happily when they see me. I just wonder how many days it will take before they also start giving me weird glances. I hope never. I really must try to get over my eating disorder! I can't show Adam how all my ribs stands out under my clothes.

Don't Forget About MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant