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If I Had Known That Our Last Goodbye Was Our Last Goodbye, I'd Have Held On Longer...

-Another Broken Hearted Kid

***Neveah's P.O.V***

It was like an out of body experience. I was there yet I wasn't. I could see everything, but barely. Every sound muffled as shock coursed through my veins.

Red and blue lights were flashing all around us; students and teachers crowded the area, looking on in shock and confusion. Paramedics hurried about,officers were asking questions upon questions yet everything felt dazed.

Time felt slowed.

All I could hear was the deafening and terrifying sound as the gun was fired repeating itself over and over in my brain.

Her blood was everywhere, covering my body. I could still see her body as it fell lifelessly to the floor.

She was dead. I couldn't believe it.

She pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, it was as though time had sped back up and I could hear every noise. Every voice. Reality had finally settled in.

She was dead.

She was really dead.

I fell to the ground,my chest heaving up and down as the lump in my throat grew, blocking off my air supply.

I felt like I was choking. My vision blurred by the dam of tears.

One after the other they flowed down my cheeks like an overflowing fountain, breathless sobs parting my lips.

She was dead.

My face and neck were soaked as though I had placed my head underwater. I could feel myself breaking; physically, emotionally and mentally.

I couldn't bare it.

This pain. It was unbearable. Unfathomable.

Arms wrapped around me and soothing nothings were whispered delicately into my ear but to no avail.

I gripped my hair rocking back and forth, screams of pain leaving my lips.

The arms picked me up, carrying me out of the room but I couldn't pull my eyes away from her still, lifeless body.

I should have saved her.

I should realized she was hurting and helped her. I should have known.

Sobs wracked through my body and I began to scream, thrashing my body.






I needed her. I loved her so much.

I looked up brokenly to Jax. He was the one holding me.

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