PART 2: Forgotten Memories

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**Unknown's P.O.V**

The little girl stared out the through the window woefully, the stormy weather reflecting the turmoil her small heart held.

She was hoping that she'd come.

Hoping that she hadn't forgotten.

But she knew she wasn't going to show.

This had been the fourth meeting she had missed, and the little girl yearned for her mother's touch, to hear her soothing voice.

Alas it was to no avail as, just like the rain sliding down the window pane, tears slid down her face.

She knew her mother was not coming.

The old woman pulled the young girl from the window embracing her; face stern and heart heavy she too wondered why the young woman hadn't been around.

Why had she abandoned the child once more?

**Jaxon's P.O.V**

Looking calmly around my surroundings, I internally panicked.

Would she even show?

I wouldn't blame her if she didn't. I was a jerk and what I did back then was unforgivable.

My mind raced as I tried to piece together everything I could remember from that night, almost 5 years ago. I had no idea if she even was the girl but it was worth a try.

I had chosen a small cafe not to far off from campus, so we'd have a little more privacy, especially with all the tension between friend groups recently, plus the cafe had a homey yet picturesque vibe to it that somehow helped to calm my nerves.

The bells above the door chimed grasping my attention; it was her.

I gave her a small smile to which she returned, advancing towards me.

Those emerald eyes...

She reminded me so much of the girl from that trip. It had to be her.

She sat down, placing her purse on her lap as she looked around before, smiling at me, her eyes asking the question I could tell burned in her heart.

Why the hell was she here?

"Do you want something to drink?", I questioned somehow feeling nervous.

She shook her head. "Not to be blunt but I just want to know why I'm here is all."

I sighed.

"You look really familiar.", I start.

"Well I'd like to think so as we've encountered each other's presence before", she said.


Realizing that there was no point in beating around the bush I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Before you came here to college, you wouldn't have ever visited California would you?", I questioned scanning her face.

It could have been my eyes deceiving me but her eyes furrowed slightly, but she regained her posture.

"Yeah, I've been there a couple times before why?", her eyes gave away about as much as the stoic expression on her face did as she spoke.

"Have you ever been to the Bahia Resort?"

Something flashed in her eyes and she hesitated, "No, I dont think so."

I hummed. She was lying.

Before I could say anything else she interrupted me.

"Look as much I'd live to sit and chat about my past troubles I really have to get going", she said grabbing her purse and standing.

Standing with her I ground my teeth. Maybe i should plan how i would approach the situation first next time.

"Okay, We'll talk later ",I said to her retreating figure.

She merely raised her hand in response as she rushed out.

Slumping back down I ran my hand down my face.

I'll find the truth out, Neveah. I always do.

** Neveah's P.O.V **

My heart hammered in my chest as I exited the cafe. He couldn't have known, could he?

Why would he suddenly be interested after all this time.

Did he know about her..?

I wracked my brain for any possible way that he could have figured it out but I came up blank, the only other person who knew about that night was Royalty and I knew she wouldn't have lipped off to him.

Shaking my head of any thoughts from the past I hurriedly got in my car rushing to the park where I was supposed to meet Royalty.

She was doing a project for her photography class and asked me to be her model. I internally smiled, although things weren't great in her love life it was nice to see her focusing on her work. The past 2 months were really hectic for us, her especially. After the little brawl in our room the RA found out and luckily we weren't expelled but received an in house suspension and Laila got moved to the west wing away from us. To say that I didn't feel bad would be a lie but it was for the best, afterall Royalty had a point, we just used each other for sex.

Royalty hasn't spoken to either Laila or Zane and she even threw away the ring, something she never could part from so maybe she finally is letting go of that part of her life.

I stopped at a red light and quickly checked my makeup in the mirror above, glancing at the picture I had stuck there some time ago.

Through all the drama with Laila and Royalty my own life had been on standby and I sighed as it brought back the conversation, if you could even call it that, that I had with Jax to mind.

I really hope he doesn't find out. I'm not ready for that just yet, especially with everything going on right now.

Pulling up to the park, I watch the little children play their laughter a sweet sound to my ears as their mothers gossip whilst watching them.

My heart yearned.

Getting out of my car I grab my purse and phone and walk towards the lake where Royalty asked me to meet her.

As I near the lake I hear Royalty before I see her.

"I told you already to leave me alone. Isn't it clear that i want nothing to do with you anymore? You made your choice already now leave me alone, I have work to do", she shouted into the phone.

I cleared my throat grabbing her attention to which her furrowed brows and crossed lips turned into an easy smile.

"I was starting to think you stood me up", she said as she grabbed her camera and me positioning me how she needed to.

I quirked my brow at her sudden mood change.

"So who was that on the phone", I said posing how she positioned me.

The camera shuttered before she replied, "It was nobody", she replied dismissively, before snapping another picture,then signaling for me to pose again.

"C'mon Roy, tell meeeeee", I said mimicking the pose she showed me before she captured the picture.

Sighing she gave me a grim look before speaking.

"It was Zane."

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