New, Old Bonds

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***Neveah's P.O.V ***

"Mommy mommy, look what papa got for me!"

My heart fluttered in my chest as I looked up from making dinner to see Rosalie run to me, excited to show me her new doll. She was so adorable and clearly a daddy's girl; she wasted absolutely no time in getting close to Jax when I told her that he was her father, but it made me extremely jubilant and relieved that she didn't feel abandoned or disregarded in any type of way. Plus with the amount of toys and clothes Jax was buying her, I don't think she would've been angry for too long.

Putting down my knife and picking her up, I give her a kiss on her cheek, "What did I tell you about running, Rosie?", I scolded playfully.

She giggles, "But papa was trying to tickles me".

I shook my head at her antics, as she screamed tumbling down from my arms and running into her room as she saw Jax approach.

Coming behind me he snaked his arms around my waist, placing a kiss to my neck.

I held back a smile, "Better not let my mom see you", I say continuing my task.

"What is she going to do? Scold me for showing my lady affection?", he says and I feel him smile against my neck. turning around to face him I cock my head to the side biting my lip,

"Oh so I'm your lady now?"

He purses his lips, his eyebrows furrowing, "Yep, pretty confident that you are".

I duck under his arms heading to the fridge to get some peppers, humming in response.

Before he can respond, Rosalie's little head peeps around the corner before she runs towards her dad.

"Papa", she screams, giggling as Jax picks her up giving her a raspberry on her tummy. I give him a pointed look before he grabs me and pulls me into him blowing a raspberry on my cheek, Rosalie mimicking him.

"You two, ew, behave", I laugh as Jax hugs the both of us, kissing the tops of our heads.

I smiled internally. I only wished that it could say this way forever but we'd have to leave in a couple days and then everything would be the same; we'd be right back in the drama and sea of secrets we had chosen to ignore the past month.

***Laila's P.O.V***

Brown doe eyes stared soullessly back at me. Grey, lifeless skin decorated my under eye bordering my cheeks. I had no idea who the person was staring back at me was anymore.

I had no idea who I was anymore.

Sighing I splash some water on my face and place my usual smile on my face, yet it never seemed to reach my eyes anymore. Hugging my books to my chest I exit the bathroom and walk towards the dorms, knowing I'd see him.

With my head down and my eyes scanning the floor I bite my lip in satisfaction as I see his shoes nearing my vision.

Not looking where we're going our bodies collide and my books scatter everywhere.

"Shit", he curses as his hard eyes look down at me.

"Laila", he breathes. 

I look at him indifferently, a small smile playing on my lips as I pick up my scattered books, "Zane".

Sighing, he runs his hands through his hair before bending down to help me.

"Here, let me help you", he offers picking up one of the books and handing it to me, our hands brushing ever so slightly.

My heart skips and we stand there awkwardly, not saying anything.

Zane clears his throat, "Well", he starts but I cut him off.

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