Unfortunate Mistakes

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** Laila's P.O.V **

The instant our eyes connected there was a pull in my chest.

It had been a month since Zane told me what happened. A month since a strong hate for Royalty began to grow in me. A month since I last saw Neveah. Since I last spoke to her.

As usual I decided it would be best to just drown myself in school work with occasional outings with Zane, who was doing alot better than he was before. Especially now that his cousin Jaxon had decided to transfer here.

"Laila did you even hear me", Zane questioned.

I blinked. "Um no? Actually I don't feel too well I think I'll just retire to my room", I lied to him. I couldnt seem to get Neveah off my mind no matter how hard I tried.

And seeing her just now did nothing to help my dilemna.

Zane shot me a look.

I felt like a horrible bestfriend. When he realized I was avoiding the girls he was appreciative but then he realized I was torn about Neveah. But I assured him whatever we had ended.

I just had to reassure myself now.

I waved him off heading towards my room, but instead of going straight there I went in the direction of Neveah.

I shouldn't.

But she didn't deserve my cold shoulder after all Royalty was the cheating tramp.

Yet Neveah was the cheating tramp's bestfriend.

My brain swirled in confusion and anxiety, looking for some reason to not go, yet countering it with a reason I should go.

Deep down a small part of me knew I didn't just miss Neveah, I missed how she made me feel, what she did to me.

My feet, having a mind of their own, led me to her door and before I knew it I was staring at her door.

Behind this door was Neveah.

My palms stared to sweat and anxiety bubbled in my stomach.

I should turn around now.

Before I could put action to my thoughts, the door swung open revealing Neveah with a suitcase in her hand; a stressed look on her face.

When she realised I was in front her all emotion dropped. She just looked at me blankly as I took in her every feature.

Her green eyes had slight bags under them and her short curly hair was pulled up into a bun making her look somehow older.

Older but in a sexy way. Was that weird?

My eyes raked down her body; the high waisted Jean's she wore accentuated her hour glass figure perfectly.

She cleared her throat, my eyes snapping up to hers instantly.

"Can I help you?", she said in a slight annoyed tone.

I deserved that.

"Um.. I was wondering if we could talk.. for a bit?", I said wringing my hands together, a nervous habit of mine.

She quickly glanced at her watch before sighing and motioning for me to come in.

I entered behind her glancing around their room. There was only one bed and I realised her and Royalty probably shared a bed.

Suddenly I didn't want to be there anymore.

"Are you gonna talk or not?", she asked tapping her foot.

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