Cheater's Prayer 2

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***Zane's P.O.V***


I held my jaw and stared at her, anger shock and confusion growing inside of me, as I felt blood filling my mouth.

"What the fuck was that for!?"

She swings her hand again and i dodge but she lands a punch to my back.

What the hell were her fists made of?

"WHAT? Are you serious right  now?", she yells, backing me into the wall throwing punches every chance she gets.

Her fists collide with my face once more, hitting my eye this time and I double over in pain.

That was definitely going to leave a mark.

Groaning I glance up and gab her hand twisting it around and making her scream, "You're hurting me!"

"Dude what the hell, let her go", Jax yells advancing towards me.

Fucking biased bitched.

 Letting go of her I push her towards Jax roughly who manages to catch he before she falls.

They glare at me and I look at them in hatred as my eye starts to swell causing my vision to blur.

Spitting the blood that had  accumulated in my mouth out onto the floor I brush past them and head to the kitchen to get an ice pack.

Placing it against my eye i stare at their direction,

"So you wanna tell me why you whore just attacked me?"

Jax clenched his jaw, "Don't disrespect her like that Zane.", he growled out.

I scoffed, "What you gonna beat me up too? Or you gonna have your slut do it for you again?", I jeered, holding my eye.

He advanced and Neveah held him back. I smirked.

"I'm the whore? I wasn't the one who was sleeping around with other people's girlfriends or impregnating girls and then shunning them as though it was their fault.", she yelled and  I clenched my jaw and fists.

 "She asked no begged, me to fuck her. I merely adhered. It's not my fault she came to me cause you left her for your own share of dick.", I scoffed looking at her in distaste.

"And don't even get me started on Royalty, she's just a whiny bitch.", I said brushing past her.

I knew that part was a lie but what was I supposed to do. I couldn't have a kid right now and she didn't want to take the abortion willingly. So I had to do what I had to do.

They gaped at me and I shook my head leaving the dorm.

"You're just a bunch of fucking pussies", I said as I left.

 I didn't have time for their bullshit.

So what if I fucked Laila. It meant nothing and it was just a one-night stand

Who the fuck was Neveah to tell me who I could and couldn't fuck? She was a fucking hypocrite. She could sleep with any guy but wants to get pissed when Laila does.

I groaned as I threw the now melted ice pack away. My eye and cheek hurt like a bitch and I wondered how hard she'd hit me.

The only thing I didn't understand was  why Laila would out herself. Why would she tell Neveah about us knowing that she'd go batshit, unless...

My heart dropped as I realized Royalty must have seen us that night.

I don't know why but it made my chest tight just thinking of the fact that Royalty saw s that night. 

I had the urge to go straight to her and apologize. I didn't have to do anything, I owed her no explanation. She meant nothing to me.

But if that was true why'd I feel so guilty?

I sighed. I needed a drink.

***Neveah's P.O.V***

"Jaxon, I'm fine", I said pulling away from him.

I sighed running my hand through my hair. Zane was the most stubborn, egotistical fucktard I've ever encountered.

How the hell could he be so heartless?

"I just wanna know if you're okay Neveah. For godsakes, Zane could have hurt you and he would have had all right. You shouldn't have hit him like that.", he said angrily.

"Give me a break, he deserved it."

"It takes two to tango, Neveah", he said pointedly.

I looked at him and gulped. I didn't know how to feel. 

Why would Laila hook up with Zane of all people, I mean I understood that they had history but she knew he was involved with Royalty, in a sense.

 "I have to go?", i told him brushing past him.

"Don't go fighting anyone else, Neveah. I'm serious.", he warned.

I nodded and left heading to Laila's room.

I didn't want to be angry with her after all, wasn't it similar to what Jax and I have been doing, and it was one night.

But why Zane? Was she just  trying to get at Royalty? And if she was what sense did it make? Royalty and Zane weren't on the best terms, anyone with eyes could see that so what was the purpose or point?

I could feel a headache coming on.

I was still angry and I knew if I didn't hold my ground I'd just accept whatever half assed excuse or apology she gave me but I couldn't, not this time.  I needed to figure out what was really going on here.

Exhaling, I get my spare key for her dorm the sight that beholds me, shocks me.

Her dorm looked like she'd been robbed. Either that or a tornado blew through here.

"Laila?", I voiced, confused.

Her room was a mess. Glass was shattered, clothes and makeup strewn everywhere. 

What the hell happened in here?

Laila was nowhere insight but I realized her bathroom was ajar.

walking to the bathroom i push the door and enter to see Laila, sprawled on the floor, her head bleeding.

My heart drops and I rush to her side, her hands and legs are bloodied and gashed and glass shards are on the floor.

Did she try to take her life or did someone break in?

Picking her up I place her in the tub  and strip her of her clothes before washing her off.

As the water hits her skin she starts to stir, coming to consciousness.

She hisses in pain and I hold her head brushing back her hair.

I wanted to be angry at her but how could I when she was in such bad condition?

"Laila, what the fuck happened?"

Her eyes looked to mine lazily before she gripped my arms,"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have".

My worry increased, "What Laila, what happened?"

"Zane. It was Zane", she said before drifting back out of consciousness.

My anger spiked again.

What the fuck was wrong with Zane?

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