Veracity Triumphs

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***Neveah's P.O.V***

"Jax. Give us a moment, please.", I said not breaking eye contact with Laila.

I had no idea what was going on anymore. As I stared into her eyes; searching I felt like I didn't know her, she showed no emotion at all.

"Yeah I'll go get Zane and Royalty", he said knocking on the bathroom door.

As they exited Zane stared at Laila as though calculating something and I could sense the anger radiating off of his body.

I was clearly missing out on something here, that everyone besides myself seemed to know.

They bushed past us and Royalty pulled me aside, "Whatever happens tonight,  trust yourself, Veah. Laila isn't what she seems okay?"

I looked at her and nodded, still unsure and weary of everything that's been going on.

When everybody finally leaves, I lock the door behind me and exhale loudly.

Smiling condescendingly I turn to face Laila," I wanna know what's going on. Why everyone seems to think you've been lying to me".

She walks towards me and places her hands on my arms, rubbing in a soothing manner.

"I don't know why they would say anything like that, honestly Veah", she says sitting us down on the couch.

"Laila, I need you to tell me the truth here. Royalty's  my best friend why would she have any reason to lie to me?", I told her, removing her hands from mine.

She clicked her tongue and looked at me and our now separated arms before laughing, "You know, I've been trying so hard. Everyday I go through this internal struggle with myself, but for what? I am your girlfriend Neveah yet you would drop me, ditch me and believe whatever Royalty tells you over me. Over what I had to say. Here you are questioning my loyalty to you because of what? Because they said I've been lying? If I'm lying why can't they tell you what I'm lying about?"

I stare at her incredulously and stand up, "Laila what are you talking about? Since the beginning of this relationship I've always put you first, been there for you, for hell's sake the fact the we even got into a relationship in the first place when my best friend and you were so clearly not on speaking terms should show you that I will always put you first. But you have to understand that she's still my best friend and she's pregnant for heavens sake. I still have to be there for her."

"You can't be serious right now, Neveah. You always are there for her sometimes I feel like I'm the best friend and she's your girlfriend. Like do you even have your priorities straight right now? I had to beg you to even tell  Royalty that we were dating so don't you dare make it seem as though I'm the bad guy now.", she says tears rolling down her face.

I sigh as I reach out for her, "Laila please, you have to understand how difficult this is proving for me, I love you, I do but they're still my friends and why would three people lie about the same thing?"

"You don't get it, do you? They hate me! They all do. And don't you think I know you've been hooking up with Jax behind my back? But then you get mad because I sleep with Zane. Why? It's so fucking hypocritical, Neveah. It's like I'm not good enough for any of you, everybody I love just seems to leave me for someone else.", she screams backing away from me.

"Laila wait, I didn't know you felt like this", I said trying to stop her.

"Of course you didn't, because all that matters is that I'm a good distraction or good sex. But not for long, Neveah. You'll all get what's coming to you. Trust me, I'll get my revenge", she says slamming the door behind her.

I slump to the floor as I feel a lump build in my throat and the overwhelming sense of sadness washes over me.

I had no idea Laila felt like this. I mean I tried my best with her, so he wouldn't have to feel left out but I guess it wasn't enough. I never wanted to hurt her and I couldn't help but feel like this was somehow my fault.

But what did she mean by she'd have her revenge?

One by one tears fell. Laila wasn't herself anymore and I could understand why. First Zane and now she probably couldn't help but feel like she had to compete for my love.

Picking up my phone I dialed Royalty's number. Laila was right about one thing. If they claimed she was lying about something they needed to tell me. Especially after tonight. I could feel that something was off and I needed to figure out what and why.

When royalty answered I told her to meet me back here and she said they'd be back in a couple minutes.

Tying my hair up, I grabbed  a beer from the fridge, taking a swig. 

Something told me I'd be needing that tonight.

Royalty and the guys arrived a couple minutes later and I looked at them and pursed my lips.

"Where's Laila?", Royalty inquired coming to sit next to me.

"We got into an argument and she stormed out", I said,leaning into her embrace.

"Argument about what", she prodded glancing between  Zane and Jax.

"Everything yet nothing at the same time. She feels neglected, like I chose You over her. Then she muttered something about revenge", I told her.

She sighed, "Neveah. I need to tell you something. Something I've been hiding from you because I just had no idea how to tell you", Royalty said standing and holding my hands.

Zane and Jax held their heads low and I looked at them in question anxiety bubbling in my chest, "What? What is it?"

"When I was attacked, in the hospital, my memories started coming back to me and I figured out who attacked me.", she started and i nodded for her to continue.

"Please Neveah, you have to promise me. You won't flip outt and you'll try to be as strong as possible when I tell you this", she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"You're scaring me, Roy. What the hell is going on?", I said my anxiety rising even more and tears brimming again.

Jax looked at me pitifully and Zane seemed lost in thought.

"That night. It was Laila who attacked me.She wanted me to stay away from you. Actually, she's been threatening me ever since. And when she found out about the baby, I don't know, she lost it. Told me to stay away from Zane and you or she'd kill my baby.", she trailed.

I looked at her in disbelief.

Time seemed to still around me as everything she said processed in my mind.

"No, no. You're lying. Royalty, you're lying to me", i said brokenly tears flowing down my cheeks.

I looked at her and she nodded no. I looked to Zane who just looked at me pitifully and Jax stared at me, hurt in his eyes.

I shook my head, a sob leaving my body, "Why would she.. Why would she want to kill you? Why'd she do something like that?", I said breaking into a sob.

Dropping to the floor it feels like my heart was breaking into a million pieces.

What could she want from me? I was trying my best. Why'd she want to do that?

"She's unstable, Veah", Jax said stepping forward.

I couldn't believe it. What was I supposed to do?

How was I suppose to handle the fact that the woman I had fallen in love with was trying to kill my best friend?

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