Clandestine Rendezvous

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**Royalty's  P.O.V**

No no no. Not now.

Why was he calling me now?

He had no right to do this. Why would he even call me? Of all people.

I ran my hands through my hair as I stared at Neveah dumbfounded.
He ignores for me for 2 months, after making his little bitch believe whatever about me. After I finally got my life somewhat together and I finally caught up with my school work.

Hell finals were next fucking week.

I felt lost. It was as though every time I told myself that we were done and over and that I could move on something always happens.

First Laila now he's calling me out of nowhere.

I was torn. I wanted so badly for us to work out things, to see what he wanted but I know that it was no good for either us.

"Royalty!", Neveah shouted trying to get my attention.

I looked at her in confusion, before continuing to pack up my camera, shaking my head trying to rid all thoughts of him and focus on my task at hand.

Neveah's pictures came out beautiful as expected. She was my favorite model, now I just had to edit them and make it to class on time.

"There you go again. Are you even listening to me?", she asked, annoyed.

I smiled kissing her cheek as I grabbed my bag, "of course".

"What did I just say then?", she questioned as we walked back to her car.

Now you see...

"See you dont even know!", she huffed, clearly exasperated at my sudden distractedness.

"Fine but I'm listening now", I replied as we made our way back to campus.

She pursed her lips before speaking once more, "What did he want?"

I shrugged. "He wanted to meet up".

She quirked her brow.

"He wants to meet up? After everything that happened? After ignoring your existence for the past 2 months not to mention the year before?"

I chuckled humorlessly. It was funny.

Funny how after painting me as the bad guy, yes albeit I made some questionable decisions, he wants to meet up now.

I just dont understand men.

"Yeah. He does. But I'm  not going. I'm finally over him and that drama I just wanna pass finals and graduate", I sigh realizing that we've made it back to campus.

Checking her watch, Neveah looked at me indifferently before grabbing her stuff and exiting the car.

"I've got to go to class now", she said hurriedly, kissing my cheek before scurrying along.

I shrugged and waved at her retreating figure.

Well, that was weird.

** Neveah's P.O.V**

My heart hammered in my chest as I checked my watch.

I hated to rush off from Royalty like that but I was a busy woman, with places to go and people to meet.

Emphasis on the latter.

I also hated lying to Royalty but some things just had to be done.
I mean I would tell her the truth some day, however today was not that day especially seeing as I was already late.

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