The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family

Start from the beginning

"I do...but they were pups...I don't think they remember me since they never got close to me," Reaper said

They continued to growl before sensing how strong Reaper was, causing them to whimper and back down. Reaper stopped moving and backed up. "They can tell I can kill with a single touch," Reaper sighed. "I guess I can't get close," Reaper said

"They don't trust me... If only Kills, Scare, Murder, Glitchy, and X were here," Reaper hummed

Geno rose a brow at the weird names. "You named them?" Geno asked. "Of course," Reaper hummed in thought. 

"...Oh! What about Fall?" Reaper said a bit out loud. A couple of ears popped up from the bushes before a wolf raised up a lilac pup, smaller than the other. The others huffed and grunted at her to go back down

Reaper stared in her eyes and she stared back before walking up to him. The others were worried for her. Reaper sat down, "I see someone still remembers me..." Reaper smiled. Geno watched as the wolf approached his love

The wolf didn't get too close. "Let's see...uhh...I remember you fell down a cliff, and I had to save you, do you remember my wings?" Reaper hummed before slowly opening his black wings from his back that he usually hides.

The wolf seemed to flinch back before realizing it is, wagging her tail, jumping up and down around Reaper as Reaper chuckled. The others seemed to be confused at the wolf's reaction but saw it was safe from their friend's reaction and decided to approach a little closer

"Hey Geno, you should probably sit down, you're too tall for them, get down at their level," Reaper told him. "Oh, alright then," Geno got down and sat. 

The wolf jumping around Reaper couldn't believe it was him. "Guys! I'm telling you this is him!" The wolf, Lux turned to the other wolves. Of course, sadly, Reaper nor Geno understands their wolf talk

"He looks described him like he was some sort of angel-" Crescent narrowed his eyes at the so-called 'Reaper'

"I still think the name Reaper is too threatening! Are you sure this is the pup who saved you?" Paperjam asked. "I'm sure! He's certainly not a pup anymore though," Lux was rather happy to see Reaper

"Who is this person he brought with him?" Gradient asked from the back. Lux tilted her ears, "Don't know...a trusted friend?" Lux crept up to Geno. Geno froze. Reaper seemed to say something to Geno, something that calmed him down a bit not that the wolves understands

"Sis! Don't get too close," Starcross sheepishly warned. "Please! This is the person who saved me!... I trust him," Lux said. "You trusted him when he was a pup! You don't know how he is now, or who he is! Just come back! This was a bad idea, lets go back before our parents find out we snuck over here!" Crescent said

"So now you're wussing out?" Lux scoffed at him as she went up to Geno. Geno didn't seem as dangerous as Reaper from there weary aura towards them. Lux placed a paw on Geno's thigh as she went up to Geno's neck

Geno froze as Lux decided to sniff him to remember his scent. Reaper chuckled, seeing how Lux is comfortable with Geno.

There was a snap in the forest as the other wolves jumped and came out of the bushes from the fear of what else in the forest. They ran behind Reaper as Reaper laughed a little more.

"I guess they're not supposed to be here, seeing as they're not comfortable with their surroundings," Reaper told Geno. Lux got down from Geno. "Oh...I see-" Geno seemed uptight. "Relax...they can smell your fear ya' know," Reaper smirked

"I'm not scared! Just...a little uncomfortable with how close they are," Geno smirked. Reaper smirked as he stood up. The wolves then moved to hide behind Geno. Reaper walked a little closer to the bushes. He could feel a soul close by. A soul stalking them. It was familiar.

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