The Story of a Reaper- The Black Vortex

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Reaper kept looking, and looking, and looking. To the point where he couldn't even realize his surrounding.

Everything was black, there was no life at all. The sky black and red, dust, and growing entropy...just like Chara promised.

When Reaper noticed it...noticed what he's done. He felt awful. He was emotionally unstable for the point where he forced himself to hide his feelings, just so he can find Life. Truly he felt very tired at the moment, but forced himself to look for Life.

Reaper soul can't find her anywhere. No sign of life anywhere, even when all the life around his is destroyed. Reaper fell on his knees and stayed quiet.

"HEY!" a voice called from behind Reaper. Reaper turned around, and saw Unydne, she looked pissed.

It was easy to find Reaper, his dark, powerful presents couldn't be hidden. He was a beacon of darkness. She wouldn't admit it, if you'd ask, but being near him, made her felt nervous.

"...What are you doing on your knees...GET UP!" Undyne demanded, Reaper stood quietly, and soon, slowly walked off. "We all felt it y'know, even how immediately after our queen died, there was a burst of power...from YOU...we all heard your cry, you lost you infamous cool...but why? Were you involved in this?" Undyne asked.

Reaper froze in his footsteps, and turned a little. "...I don't know what your talking about" Reaper told Undyne. Undyne felt angry, she knew something was up, "DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME SANS!" Undyne growled, "DO YOU THINK I'M JOKING?! Our queen is DEAD and I'm not in the mood to play your little game!!!" Undyne yelled, "Back off Undyne..." Reaper told Undyne before walking off slowly again.

"Why aren't you with your brother doing damage control?! What are you doing here?! Your disappearing acts? Keeping secrets from us? AND YOUR THROWING A TANTRUM?!?!?!!" Undyne yelled

Sounds like all of this is making her go insane. Undyne cooled off to speak, "I'm giving you one last chance Sans...Explain yourself" Undyne said. Reaper stayed quiet, and stopped walking away "I know your involved somehow...I just don't know...HOW" Undyne said. Reaper stayed quiet. "Why aren't you saying anything?! ARE YOU GUILTY OF SOMETHING AFTER ALL?!?!?!?!" Undyne yelled with a protagonist voice.

"Undyne...stop...I'm already in a bad mood, I can't deal with you right now...leave" Reaper told Undyne, "What are you getting so worked up about?! You didn't even KNOW her! LAST I CHECK! You. Hated. Her. GUTS!!!!" Undyne yelled.

Reaper took offence to that...

His eye started to glow blue, a think he doesn't do on the regular, so Undyne knows this is serious.

"You know nothing..." Reaper said, staring at Undyne with a very pissed off look, that almost look sinister. Unydne was pissed at Reaper, and it was already bad that Reaper was pissed at Undyne.

"How can I not know?! You were always complaining about her, how her existence was the bain of yours?! You hated her, in fact I'm surprised you not happy she's gone! With her gone, your finally free of your tiring job" Undyne told Reaper.

Reaper snapped...

Reaper summoned his scythe, and yelled at Undyne, "SHUT UP UNDYNE!" Reaper yelled. Undyne looked at his scythe...Undyne then snapped...

"...You dare...draw your weapon...AT ME?!?!?" Undyne screamed.

Undyne, being the anime protagonist she is, summoned many spears in the air, "Your going to wish you'd never done that!" Undyne told Reaper with a disgusted face. The light in the air, making the underground seem more brighter than ever.

Undyne directed the spears at Reaper, but Reaper dodged them with ease. It could be the fact that he's been doing this since he was five, and has been doing it a lot at five and so on in his life. It was also pretty predicable of where the spears are gonna hit.

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