The Story of a Reaper- Operation Star Skeletons

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Soon it was 12:04 and everyone was in the living room again for the next meeting.

Reaper sat there, his wings hidden but his back in serious pain, but he refused to left here not to help.

"Alright, let's go over this again. Dust, Horror, Killer, and Reaper, you'll go see Fell and Bill. Cross, Error, and I will see Swapfell, and Hate, once we have what we need, it will take about a week to make the stun guns alright! Do whatever it takes to get what we need...alright?" Nightmare told us.

We all nodded in agreement. "Alright, your all dismissed...don't fail me" Nightmare told us before he opened a portal to Swapfell, Error, and Cross entered, with Nightmare entering last.

The portal closed, leaving the rest of us. Horror chuckled, "alright then Dust, were are we going first?" Horror asked, "Fell...Bill likes to make complicated deals, Fell is way cooler to deal with, he must have something" Dust said opening a portal to Underfell.

I recognized the AU, Life showed it to me. It's a cruel AU which doesn't care about anyone feelings. Underfell was still underground, everything looked similar to the original AU, just a bit more red.

Dust lead us to a house that reminded me of my own house when Papyrus and I were underground. Dust knocked on the door, and someone in red, with a gold tooth opened it with a lazy look. His red, sharp eyes stared at us.

"Oh! Sup Dusty shit!" Fell said with a smirk, "Yeah yeah jackass, I have something ta' ask ya'" Dust said, "Well then come in, my bro Red isn't here, but I'm not sure when he'll come back so make it quick" Fell said, letting us enter his house.

We all walked in one by one. Horror, Killer, and I plopped on his dark green couch that was wore out, with scratches and broken springs.

A cat slept on the table in front of the couch, it was white furred and fat. He had a red collar with spikes on it. The name tag read 'Doomfanger'.

"So, what cha' need?" Fell asked, "I was wondering if you had any spare parts for us" Dust said, "Spare part? Wouldn't ya' just look in waterfall in the trash?" Fell asked "I would, but I don't know what kind of creeps are in there that I don't wanna get raped by..." Dust said, scratching the back of his neck, feeling uncomfortable.

Fell sighed, "Just cuz' Lust was there...for some weird reason- doesn't mean he's there again" Fell said, putting his hand on his hips, leaning on his leg. "What was Lust doing there anyways?" Dust asked, "I don't know what the slut was doin' honestly, I don't give a shit, as long as he keeps his disgusting hoe hands away from me..." Fell said, shivering at the thought of him.

Whoever this Lust guy is, must be disgusting... Reaper thought

"Whatever, what kind of part do you need?" Fell asked Dust. "I need a few type-2E Metco Metallizing gun with a handle, a lot of 5868 vacuum tube that 6 feet tall and 4.5 diameters long, a screwdriver, and seven light bulbs" Dust told him.

"You must be doing some serious engineering than...I have the light bulbs you can have, and a few of those vacuum tubes that are useless to me, but I don't think I have the gun part that you need, last I heard Bill has those things" Fell said.

"Thought so..." Dust said to himself. "I'll be right back, I'll get your things" Fell said, walking upstairs into a room. Dust stood near us as we waited. "Who's Lust?" I asked.

Everyone except Horror gagged at his name. He really must be disgusting.

"Only the most kinkiest motherfucker out there! Raping everything he sees, he's disgusting!" Dust said, narrowing his eyes. "Last I heard he tried to rape Fell, I'm surprised Fell isn't traumatized at Lust name!" Killer said.

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