Her eyes were too honest. Although it might've been slight, terror could be seen in her eyes.

She was afraid of the sight of the man from afar turning his head toward her direction.

In order to avoid his gaze reflexively, Fleurette made a formal greeting.

"It has been a long time, my Lord."

As soon as she finished her greeting, the Marquis had a fatherly smile and approached her.

"It's been so long.-"


With Fleurette continuing to avoid the Marquis' gaze, she flinched for a second once she heard the last word that the person uttered.

"Haha...", he laughed shortly.

"It's a good thing that you haven't changed."


Fleurette remained silent even then, not knowing how she should respond.

"Say, this is very father-like of me, isn't it? To be able to understand you very well."

".....Pardon me, but I believe that I am not worthy enough to be considered as the Lord's daughter."

"Is that so."

With a smirk, the Marquis added.

"Good thing that you still know your place."

Fleurette helplessly lusted for the authority to have a feint laugh amid the conversation.

Looking at the Marquis' cruelty made her realize that she's really returned to the Aubetré's. Thinking that made her have a bad feeling.

For her, being involved with them could only mean bad news after all.

Not long after, the Marquis chuckled.

"I wonder what's going on inside that head of yours.", he said as if he knew that Fleurette was having deep thoughts.

"Truth to be told, I was amazed that your eyes could still be this honest. I think you should learn how to fix that habit."

"...Is that an order, my Lord?"

"More or less. It will be quite troublesome if the opponent saw through your weak point."

"...I will do my utmost to fulfill the task."

The Duke smirked.

"Of course, you will."

'Because you need to prove your worth.', he continued in his thoughts.

Marquis Aubetré knew of the fact that Fleurette was well aware of the consequences if she ever dissatisfies him. Nevertheless, he considers himself as a merciful person for keeping an imbecile like her by his side till this day. In fact, his words were true.

Since Fleurette was a mere illegitimate child, normally she should've been killed the moment her existence was confirmed. Information about Marquis Aubetré, having a child with a maid of common birth, was something confidential. Rather, the existence of Fleurette's real mother was forced to be erased. And those that didn't cooperate were killed.

It was pretty convenient that the Marquis' wife wasn't really a person that showed herself on public that often. Thanks to that, Fleurette could be easily added to their family tree. Her physical appearance also made it easy. And as for the fact that she was introduced late in the noble society, they covered it with an excuse saying that they kept her existence as a secret for a while because of a hidden reason.

So to say, Fleurette was quite fortunate that the Marquis found value on her.

"I will tell you the details of our talk in another day. You may leave for now."

"...I understand. I apologize for taking some of your time, my Lord.", Fleurette replied with a bow.

"May you have a good day."

The conversation of the two ended there.

Fleurette stepped out of the room, leaving the Marquis standing still at the same place.

Soon enough, the surroundings went quiet. It was then that the Butler from earlier has entered the room.

"It seems like the discussion met its end. If this is not too prying of me, may I ask how did it go my Lord?"

"I'd say the result was bad. Rather, I felt sick breathing the same air with that whore.", he muttered with a face of disgust, revealing his true nature.

Afterward, he continued.

"Order the servants to clean this room again from each and every corner. I don't want to see a speck of dust left by that b*tch."

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now