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                 Taking You Home

imaginationandheartbreak (alexgrey)

Matt looked down into his beer and closed his eyes against the pulsing light.  The room throbbed, crowded, hot and full. He couldn’t tell if he was enjoying himself or not, really – one of those nights… he’d almost forgotten - but he let himself feel the pulse of the music climb his legs and his smile was genuine when his friend Kaz returned with shooters.  They were on fire.

“Flaming Fucks!” she declared with an already drunken enthusiasm. And Matt laughed and could barely stop laughing long enough to grip two of the stupid glasses on the tray.


“Retro drinks! They knew how to party!”

“Who did?”

“The 90s. Also the 80s, I think… There was something written on the board….”

“Let’s not pretend it’s the 80s. They were all addicted to cocaine.”

“Stop being all professor-ish on me…”

“Don’t be an asshole.”  Matt threw back the first glass.  “Also it’s lecturer. And I teach theatre.”

Kaz clinked her next glass heartily into Matt’s and they both downed a shot.

“Don’t be sore. I’m proud of you!”

Another clink. Third shot down. Matt almost felt like dancing.  Also maybe vomiting.

“And I miss you,” Kaz continued. “You never come out anymore. “

“Been too busy…” Matt slurred. “Besides – all our old uni places? Crawling with students.  Possibly MY students.  God, that makes me feel old.”

“And tempted?”

“No.”  He really wasn’t.  Well, sometimes he was… a hundred students?  Driven, smart, often beautiful, very occasionally hanging on his every word, rarely but potently coming to his office to discuss ideas?  Sometimes even their dreams. Seeing how someone’s gorgeous thoughts were just starting to form, shyly shown only to him, waiting for him to comment?  Talented girls with sinful diction and distracting curls? Well, yeah… bound to be one or two temptations. It was statistics.  Matt was smart enough to know it wasn’t real.  And he didn’t want to be professor creepy. Or lose his job.  Not tempted.

“You’re only 30, for God’s sake. Lighten up.  And we’re a million miles from a uni pub here, Matt, and the ridiculous cover tonight will keep out your crew.  Better chances of banging a West End star than a student here. Stop with that face.”

“What face?”

“Your ‘no one understands my new responsibilities’ face.”

“Shut up.”

“yerright…” Kaz slurred. “Dance floor… no excuses…”


By the time they reach the dance floor it feels like the crowd has multiplied exponentially. It’s so hot. Everything so close. Matt can’t tell if it’s the crowd or the drinks but it feels tropical; otherworldy.  It isn’t London – just one giant sweaty timeless gyrating mass of bodies from anywhere, anytime.  Kaz is ahead and already grinding rather embarrassingly against a small group on the periphery: hands up, for the most part, when those hands weren’t snaking their way down hips and across tits in mostly masturbatory choreography.

Matt plunges further into the crowd – he hates to be watched dancing by the barstool people. He really does dance with abandon, especially when drunk, and it’s not that he’s self-conscious, really, it’s just that he knows his dancing can come across as a bit ridiculous sometimes and he’d just rather not be the entertainment.  He wants to lose himself… and be anonymous deep in the crowd and out of the sitelines… and as soon as he stops his half walk/half dancing shuffle and properly begins to move his hips and windmill his arms above this head he is immediately spun around by a blond girl with saucer eyes and flamenco hands. Lovely.  And she looks like a banker not a hipster theatre student and thank God for that. They dance for the duration of the song and he brings his hands to her hips and is only mildly conscious of her taking his hands and shifting them over to another dancing girl’s hips, her back to him, and they move hypnotically, then, Matt and the new girl, as the music slows just a bit and the girl’s gorgeous, rhythmically twisting arse brushes against his crotch and now she’s bending slightly at the waist and god he has missed this – being out, dancing, picking up gorgeous girls in bars, blow jobs from strangers…  His sex life full of stops signs and she is his first green light in forever… Shit. Getting ahead of himself.  But something about this GIRL.

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