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      i love when you call unexpected


“I’d love to follow you, Amy and Rory to Space Florida, Doctor.”

The Doctor resisted the urge to jump for joy at River’s agreement. Ever since their little kiss in Stormcage happened he found it was quite difficult to look River in the eye without remembering how she’d kissed him exactly the way he liked. How she pulled him closer as naturally as breathing, how her tongue seeked his out like she’d done it a million times before, how her lips moved under his like she’d spent her entire life kissing him - and how naturally he had responded to her.

As if he just couldn’t help himself, he had kissed River Song as if he’d done it his entire life. Given River’s time-travelling capabilities and her tendency to carry around hallucinogenic lipstick, he was almost positive he had.

Still, he couldn’ t help but seek her out as soon as possible.

“I’ll send you the coordinates now, shall I?” He asked, trying to contain the excitement in his voice. Space Florida was full of hot springs and private jacuzzis - if the Ponds want some time alone that would mean he’ll be with River. Maybe she would be willing to kiss him again - longer this time, and he wouldn’t run away because he’d be expecting it. A little giggle escaped his lips.

“No, no, sweetie,” she paused a little and a noise on the phone made it sound like she was struggling against something. A small crease appeared in the Doctor’s forehead.

“River, are you alright?” He asked.

“I’m fine, just -” her breath hitched a little and the frown on his face deepened. “A little out of breath at the moment -” her breath hitched again and the Doctor couldn’t help but feel the concern creep up slowly on him. Though he knew that River could handle herself when she needed to, that didn’t stop him from being worried about the kind of situations she got herself into from time to time. 

“ River?”

“ Can I call you back later?”

“Sure, would you like me to -” but the dial tone already sounded.



200(ish) years later

The Doctor steps out of the Tardis and smiles at the familiar place that greets him. It’s been a while since he’s stepped foot in Luna University and he’s quite missed the place. Or, more accurately, he misses seeing a certain someone who lives here.

He walks the familiar pathway to his wife’s office. It’s been entirely too long since he’s seen River, and he’d made the decision to seek her out right as an invasion was happening on Earth. But once the cubes were all cleared up and locked away, he could finally see River again.

Two months. The Doctor lets ou t a long sigh. He’s got to stop putting off visits with River.

He arrives at the door to her office and sees that it’s  slightly ajar - unusual, but not greatly so. He enters her office and shuts the door behind him quietly, turning to face her.

The smirk that appears on his lips is sinful and full of promises. He’d been expecting to find his wife preoccupied with some mundane task like marking essays or planning lectures, but instead he found her standing against her desk, back to him, speaking quietly into the phone. She doesn’t acknowledge his presence though he can tell she’s aware that he’s here. He can tell by the way a little tension seeps out of her frame as she leans back against the table and the way she turns her head to the side just a little. He leans against the doorway, letting his eyes rake over curves he hasn’t seen in far too long.

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