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       Opposite Sides of the Ocean


They haven’t seen each other in two months. Two months since she’d left Cardiff and Matt behind. Matt and his wonderful ability to make her walk on air. When Alex finally makes it back to England, Matt is in LA.

Bloody Comic Con.

Alex sips on a glass of wine, her second, flicking through channels on a rare night alone. She can feel the alcohol trickling through her veins, making her feel pleasantly buzzed.

It’s like the universe is conspiring against them.

That’s how they finally realised the true potential of modern technology. Or more Alex did after she received a photo from Matt of their actions figures involved with each other. Horizontally.

It was then that she received a picture of his puppy face. He looked ridiculous, but it made her laugh. Matt was always up for making himself look stupid to make her smile; she couldn’t deny it was endearing.

It takes about 10 minutes for her to receive a reply, and it comes in the form of another photo - their action figures, again. This time River is on all fours with the Doctor behind her. Alex has to laugh at his childishness.

As ridiculous as they’re being, she can feel the heat beginning to pool in her stomach. That man.

It’s not entirely ridiculous though, because all he’s doing is reminding her of all the times that he was behind her like that, naked and pressed against her in the most intimate ways. For someone so clumsy, Matt was also ridiculously talented between the sheets.

Her thoughts and the wine are making her feel hot, bothered and bold. She wants to retaliate with a photo of her own..

Without thinking much further than that, Alex sets her wine glass aside and tugs her skirt up over her hips. She hooks her thumb under the edge of her lacy pink knickers and tugs on them suggestively. It only reveals her hip bone but the suggestion is there. Grabbing her phone she takes a photo of it.

She hits send and awaits his reply. It could do no harm could it? It didn’t have her face in and Matt’s phone was well protected. Besides he’d seen much more of her when he’d pulled her knickers off her with his teeth, before he buried his tong-

Her phone buzzes.

Alex only has seconds to ponder what he meant, before the phone rings.

“Hello sweetie.” perfectly innocent in tone, just to drive him mad.

“You are so completely, utterly unfair Kingston. I nearly choked on my burrito when I opened that!”

She’s chuckling, “How very American of you dear. Although you are also rather unfair - reminding me of all the times I’ve had you behind me-“

“Under you, on you, in you..” Matt lists it like a shopping list and she knows it’s just to wind her up, he sighs, “I miss you. Not just in bed but.. all the ti-ime.” He whinges, childlike.

“I miss you too darling. Especially in bed.”

“Wanton and desperate are we?”

“It has been two whole months since I had an orgasm caused by anyone but myself-” there’s a groan on the other end, “Enough to make any woman wanton and desperate.”

“Alex,” his tone is dark and delicious.


“Are you drinking?”

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