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my love, there is no spot in thee

   mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday)


When they finish dinner on the balcony, the Doctor has another surprise in store. With a grin, he takes her hand and leads her back to the TARDIS – piloting the ship to the house on Darillium he’d purchased. The clever sod had gotten quite a lot accomplished while she was unconscious.

Standing in the yard and staring at the little white house with the blue door, River blinks back tears. A house, no – a home. Their home. One they’ll live in together, linearly, like a real married couple.

The Doctor swipes his thumb tenderly across her knuckles. “Is it all right?”

Fighting back the urge to curl into her husband and cry, River tightens her grip on his hand, ever conscious of his hopeful eyes on her. Turning to him with a bright smile that wobbles with emotion, she breathes, “It’s perfect, darling.”

He carries her over the threshold and when River kisses him, they stagger down the hall toward the bedroom like a pair of newlyweds. The Doctor has a whole new body she needs to acquaint herself with and he’s only too happy to let her, his calloused hands warm and gentle as he holds her to him and whispers things she never thought she would hear the Doctor say – I missed you, don’t leave me, I love you, you’re perfect.

It’s weeks before they even think of venturing far from their bed, much less bother with something as trivial as dressing. It’s the Doctor who breaks first. Bathed in sweat and covered in teeth marks, he collapses onto their mattress and stares breathlessly at the ceiling. Voice roughened and hesitant, he suggests, “Maybe we should go out.”

Curled around her pillow and feeling far too satisfied to even attempt teasing him about his age catching up with him, River agrees with a languid shrug of her shoulders. “I could eat.”

Eyes wandering along her form shamelessly, the Doctor mutters, “Me too.”

She laughs and swats him, uncomplaining when he captures her wrist and pins her beneath him with a playful growl. They’re distracted again almost instantly and it’s another twelve hours before they attempt to leave their room. It’s hardly her fault the Doctor looks so delectable when he’s all flushed and grinning and it’s even less her fault that he finds her sex-tangled hair so irresistible. Telling herself that it’s been far too long for both of them and no one in the universe could blame them for wanting their fill of each other, she sinks into the Doctor’s embrace without regret.

When they finally do manage to let go of each other, they shower separately so as not to further delay their inevitable return to the rest of the universe. Humming under her breath and unable to stifle the smile on her face, River scans her wardrobe with a critical eye.

This version of her husband is a bit more difficult to ruffle, as she’s been quick to discover since their reunion. He’s certainly still loads of fun and she has no complaints about either his body or his voracity but the thought of rattling this Doctor is far too appealing to ignore.

She selects a slinky red dress from her wardrobe, slips into a pair of heels, paints her lips red, and teases her curls into voluminous ringlets around her face – all with the implicit intent of seeing the Doctor nearly swallow his tongue.

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