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You know I can't let you slide through my hands



“You have your grumpy face on.”

The Doctor jumps at the closeness of Amy’s voice and immediately switches off the scanner.  “What?  No!  My face is not grumpy, Pond.”

Amy leans against the console next to him, long arms crossed and a single eyebrow winged up as she regards him skeptically.  “You’re right.  There was some…intrigued fondness in there, too.  Only one thing that can mean.”

“And what’s that?”  The Doctor asks warily, not at all liking the knowing look plastered across his ginger friend’s face.

A smug smile pulls up the corners of Amy’s lips.  “River’s sent you another message.”

He sputters, immediately shaking his head in denial, regardless of the fact that her statement is completely on point.  “No!  And I’m not intrigued by her!  Or fond!”

Her smug smile only grows and he inwardly curses this body’s habit of flushing when he least wants it to happen.  “Maybe a little intrigued,” he finally acquiesces, jiggling a toggle on the console as he resolutely avoids looking at her face.

“A little?!”  Amy scoffs.  “I think you look forward to the times when River calls you more than any other adventure.”

The Doctor shrugs evasively, willing his mind to come up with some way to move the topic off of the sexy space vixen that keeps popping up in his life.



He huffs at himself, feeling his cheeks redden further as he recalls the skin tight jodhpurs River was sporting rather fantastically on their last mission together.  Definitely sexy.

“And you’re definitely fond,” Amy continues in her smug tone.  “Any time the two of you are in the same space you gravitate toward her like she’s the earth and you’re the bloody moon!”

The Doctor opens his mouth to retort but is stopped as she presses on, “And I saw your face when you realized she was stuck in that time loop.  You were genuinely terrified.  Even if it was only for a second.”

“Of course I was!”  He finally snaps.  “But the TARDIS kept her safe.”  The Doctor runs his hand fondly over the console in an act of gratitude, his lips lifting into a smile when his ship hums in return.

“I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn about it.”

He sighs at her.  “I…she…it’s not simple, Amelia.”

Amy shrugs and flips on the scanner, bringing up River’s message.  “It could be.”  And with that she exits down the corridor to join her recently wedded husband in a night of rest before their next adventure in the morning.

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