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some kind of black magic like a priestess of Voodoo.


He watched Kazran and Abigail wander off together, hands laced together as Abigail stared up at the young man with a dreamy expression. The Doctor smiled to see it – he’d intended on softening Kazran, giving him back the joy and wonder of his youth. Saving that small boy from the bitter tirade of his father. He’d not intended on changing Kazran’s whole life, not really.

But now the boy was in love, and perhaps – perhaps it would change everything. Love. It was the most powerful force in the universe. It made people do amazing things, it overcame boundaries, crossed all of space and time. No matter how far the human race perpetuated, they took love with them where ever they went.

“Ah, youth.” He murmured to himself before turning to glance back at the glittering party behind him. This was their seventh Christmas adventure together, in a row for the Doctor, and he found himself turning away from the party and wandering into the hedge maze, his hands in his pockets and his stroll aimless.

He wasn’t needed with them tonight, and though he knew he had a time machine, his heart was weighted down by the thought of Amy and Rory, plummeting to their deaths on a planet light years away from here. He sighed, kicking at a pebble in the path, wondering how many more Christmases he would have to celebrate with Kazran before his older self would save those people on that ship. Surely – if he could see this young Kazran through to his own father’s death – perhaps to his marriage to Abigail, that would put Abigail in that future. And Abigail wouldn’t hesitate to help those people. Perhaps the cloud machine wouldn’t exist at all.

“Well, this is a surprise.” A smooth voice spoke from his left and the Doctor froze, a slow smile spreading over his face before he turned sharply to see her standing there with a hand on her hip and a smirk. “Hello, sweetie.”

“River Song, what are you doing here?” He moved toward her, taking in her white dress that skimmed her figure attractively, loose and flowing yet clinging over her hips and breasts.

“Well a girl can’t spend every holiday in her cell, Doctor.” She smiled up at him, the warm night air pulling and tugging at her curls as a breeze blew through the maze. She reached up, pushing her hair out of her face as she eyed him up and down just as intently as he had her. A fond smile crossed her face and she reached out, her fingers brushing along his black bowtie once he was within arm’s reach.

His hearts ached oddly at the thought of her spending any Christmas alone. “Surely I don’t let that happen.” He observed, a hollow feeling in his chest as he looked down at her.  “If we are... everything I suspect, why would you be alone, River?”

“Oh, Doctor.” She smiled once more but her eyes were sad and it made his stomach drop, a chill creeping across his skin despite the warmth of the air around them. “This is the first-” She caught herself, shaking her head as she removed her hand. “Time travel my love. Who’s to say it’s even Christmas for me today? Everyday could be Christmas, hmm?” She looked at him with a knowing expression and his heartbeats sped up.

“Do you know when I am?” He asked her urgently, stepping in closer to her, his hand reaching for her wrist, his fingers gripping it tightly. “Do you know what I’m doing here?”

“It’s a nice suit Doctor. I like it.” She ignored his question and he huffed in frustration.

“You are infuriating, you know that, right?”

“Oh Doctor, you know I can’t tell you the outcome of it all. Foreknowledge is never a good thing. It’ll influence your actions, and then what if everything changes?” She whispered the question, her gaze unfocussed and he knew – though she was addressing his current situation, her words applied just as easily to their whole lives. His and hers, interwoven and tangled.  He wondered once more – just who was he to her that she would live her life in this backwards fashion? Willingly inflicting pain upon herself, dealing with this version of him who didn’t know her. All to preserve her past. His future.

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