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                   You're all I need


Alex woke up in her hotel room, alone. She sighed. Of course he didn’t wait for her to wake up…he was likely regretting what they did last night. She shook her head in disbelief at herself; how could she have been so stupid as to let it get that far? In fact, how stupid was she to have even asked him to kiss her in the first place? They were doing fine, as just friends, right up until that point. He probably only said he liked her to make her feel better about the whole thing, only to then let her down gently at a later time. This didn’t seem like Matt though, she thought. He would be too awkward to take advantage of someone like that, let alone leave them without a word the next day-

The door opened. Alex jumped, suddenly realising she was still nude from last night. She hastily grabbed the duvet, wrapped it around herself, and got out of bed. Whoever was coming in was clearly struggling, they must be holding something. A gun? A knife? Maybe a body-bag too? Alex started to panic, tears welling up in her eyes. She could do nothing, there was no exit. Timidly, she asked; “Who’s there?”. The fear in her voice was evident; gosh her captors would have a field day with tormenting her. Emotionally damaged, nude, and a celebrity. They could retire from cheap thrills for at least twenty years.

Then, the intruder answered. “Alex, it’s only me?”. Matt Smith poked his head round the door, and her heart leapt – in relief or joy, she wasn’t sure. She relaxed instantly, now no longer fearing both abandonment or her untimely death. He came in, looking perplexed, holding a tray of breakfast items. “Hey, what’s up?” he asked, putting the tray on the bed. He went up to her. He had partially dressed himself, putting boxers, his t-shirt, and a dressing gown on, before he had headed downstairs to the hotel lobby. She tried her best to muster up a smile, understanding how absurd she would sound if she told him what she actually thought had happened in her life during the five minutes she’d been awake. “Nothing, sweetie. Slight hangover; was confused as to where you had gone” she answered, dropping the duvet to get a robe to put on. Matt smiled and sat on the bed. “You look stunning, you know?” he gleamed at her in a way Alex hadn’t know a man to do so in her many years of dating. He really was smitten. She liked that, though, and especially after assuming the worst that he didn’t even care enough to say goodbye, it was nice to be reminded of the reality of their relationship.
“Thank you, Matt. And I never knew how cute you look in the morning” Alex smiled and sat next to him in bed. “Cute?!” he chuckled. “Alex Kingston, of all the compliments to follow me calling you stunning, cute is not what I expected,” he poked her nose, and she giggled, “I was thinking, perhaps…sexy?” they both laughed lightly, before finding themselves locked in a passionate kiss. Alex smiled as they pulled away. “Okay then, sexy…” she smirked, then proceeded to push his floppy brown hair out of his face. He smiled. “That’s more like it…so…” he pointed to the array of breakfast items he had brought up, “shall we?”.
After breakfast, the two began to get dressed. Matt figured this was a good a moment as any to re-establish what they decided to do last night, in a somewhat tipsy state. “So…us? How do you actually feel about that, now our heads are clearer?” he smiled faintly, not wanting to seem desperate or show how badly he wanted her to turn around and say, ‘Let’s publicly announce our relationship next week’. Alex shrugged. “Honestly…I don’t know. I mean, on the one hand I would love to be with you, make it public, move in sometime, you know, all that.” She trailed off, and Matt filled in; “…but?” he said, and Alex sighed. “But I know I can’t give you all you want”. She slumped back onto the bed and rested her head in her hands. Matt sat behind her and kissed her neck. “And what is it you think I want that you ‘can’t’ give me?” he smiled up at her as she turned to look at him, but he could see genuine fear and anger on her face, so he dropped the sweet, innocent, boy act and furrowed his brow. “What...”

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