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Chapter 1: Last Day of Filming
Chapter Text
How weird it was to stand amongst the busy crew after these last five years of being on and off the set of Doctor Who, knowing this was probably it. Till this day it had always been more or less certain that she was coming back at some point, that they would keep having River around to spice things up. However, with Matt leaving the show it had seemed a good time to say goodbye for River as well.

At least that were her thoughts during their making of ‚The Name of the Doctor‘.

She had had a conversation with Matt a while before they started filming the series finale and she had known about his plans to go. When they shot their last scenes together, she had taken them as exactly that: last scenes. Whenever somebody asked her whether she had put a lot of herself into River that day she answered she might have and despite being a good actress, she probably had.

* * * * * * * * * *

In summer, when she had been on stage in Manchester, Steven had rung her up and sent a surprise-script. During Comic Con in San Diego he had worked some magic and had come up with a – again kind of bittersweet – happy ending for River and the eleventh Doctor in the Christmas special. They would be stuck in the library together. Whether they would live happily ever after there – who knew?


Apparently, she was required again. One more episode. Once more some lasts – only this time they seemed pretty final. She had agreed on coming back without hesitation, sure, she had told Steven that it was likely for them to go to New York with Macbeth but he had promised to work this out.

Other than that, she had had little objections to make, neither had her agent nor her colleagues from the play. Doctor Who was too big, too loved. They all understood.

‘We’ll have you round for Matt’s Christmas party, even. Just you see me pull strings.‘

‘But Steven‘, she had said, ‘there is no end. In the script. Something’s missing. The last lines I’ve got are…second…‘

She had flipped through the pages, struggling to keep her phone in place with just her shoulder.

‘Right, last lines: “River is standing on the meadow, glancing at the Doctor approaching from afar. She takes a few, slow steps toward him but then moves no more and just waits. To be continued, approximately two and a half minutes.” Two and a half minutes are a lot of time on screen!‘

‘Well Alex, he always comes for her. Just this time she hasn’t exactly called‘, he chuckled, ‘I’m sure you and Matt will find a way to end this. You don't have to use the two point five minutes, but you can. No time pressure. All up to you! I’ve got to go, ok? See ya in Cardiff, Alex!‘

‘Wait? You’re leaving this to us? D’you think that’s a good idea? Uhm. Listen‘, he had hung up, ’Fine!‘

She had also meant to tell him to say ‘Hi‘ to Sue for her. Scots.

* * * * * * * * * *

‘Matt, Alex, you ready? Five minutes!‘

‚Are we ready, good question‘, Matt frowned, ‘See, the last bits I’ve got are the Doctor joining River in the library and finding her in the meadow. That’s actually it. I don’t think that will take us that long.‘

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