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    More Than Just a Game for Two


Chapter 1
Chapter Text
The marker squeaks as he furiously writes across the whiteboard.  He punctuates the sentence with an unnecessary flourish before stepping back, grinning proudly and pushing up the sleeves of his red and white striped shirt.  Scanning the board, he rocks excitedly on the balls of his feet and crosses his arms with a satisfied “humph.”  Everything fit like pieces of a puzzle falling into place- he had closed this case in less than twenty-four hours. 

Hearing heavy footfalls with a slight shuffle approaching behind him is enough to make his smile drop right off.   He knows exactly who it is- his captain.  Sighing heavily, he closes his eyes and begins to mentally prepare himself for the lecture that will undoubtedly be about working too many hours, which is ridiculous, actually.  No such thing as working too many hours.

The footsteps come to a halt and he turns to face them, his jaw set and bracing himself, but the words that come out of his captain’s mouth are not what he is expecting.

“Found you a partner, Doctor” the captain says matter of factly, plopping a file onto his desk.  The Doctor opens and closes his mouth as if not exactly sure of what to say as the captain continues, “Thought you might want to look at her file before she gets here.”

“But, Sir,” the Doctor protests, “I don’t need a partner.  I work alone.”

“Not anymore.”

He opens his mouth to argue, but is halted by the captain’s stern glare.  “Go home and get some sleep.  She should be here in the morning.”

As the captain walks away, the Doctor glares a hole in his back before turning back to his desk.  He all but snarls at the file as he picks it up and reads the name.

River Song.

What kind of name is that anyway?  Opening a drawer in his desk, he shoves the file in and closes it forcefully.  He does not need a partner.  He works bloody well fine all on his own and he has no plans whatsoever on working with this River Song.


As soon as the elevator doors of the 11th Precinct open to his floor, he immediately spots her.  She’s all curves and wild hair and writing on his board.

“No, no, no, no, no,” the Doctor cries as he rushes over and snatches the marker from her hand, “That is my board.”

Straightening, she places a hand on her hip and arches an eyebrow, “Well hello to you, too, sweetie.”

The Doctor sputters, caught off guard just long enough for her to pluck the marker from his hand.

“And it’s our board, sweetie.”

“I am not your sweetie,” he grinds out, narrowing his eyes and tugging on the lapels of his jacket.  “I’m the Doctor.”

If at all possible, her eyebrow arches even higher, “Detective Doctor?”

“No.  Just the Doctor.”

As she runs her gaze from his face to his feet and back again, as if sizing him up, he can’t help but stand a little straighter and narrow his eyes a bit more in hopes of looking intimidating, ignoring the sudden burning at the back of his neck as her eyes travel across his body.

Finally she holds her hand out for him to shake, “River Song.”

Batting her hand away, he takes his marker back with a frown.  “Well, River Song, I’ll have you know that I work alone.”

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