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                  Everybody Dies


She always came when he called. Well, except for that one time. But he never knew which her he was going to get. It made it all rather a bit exciting. This time, though, he called her to give her a screwdriver. It was only fitting that since he was heading towards his death, she should be sent to hers.

Once inside, she leaned against the blue TARDIS doors and flipped through the pages of her diary with a cracked spine and brittle pages, some of which had been taped together. That book was so old. Her hair was exactly the way he liked it, which was unconfined and left free to be a mess of curls, but she wasn't wearing the dress as she'd promised. He frowned. He'd even put on a brand new suit for her.

"So, when is it for you? Have you done the Library? How about Area 52?" She squinted a little as she looked at his face. "No, I shouldn't think so. Close, but not yet."

"Wait, did you say the Library?"

Her eyes grew wide. "What? No. I said Library Falls. You know, constant flow of books over massive jade cliffs on the planet of Tash. You tried to get it shut down. Oh, wait, that's a spoiler. Well, you didn't hear it from me."

"No, River. You're lying. You said the Library. Just the Library. There's only one Library and you shouldn't know about it." He rustled in his coat pocket and pulled out a matching Diary. "Did you peek?"

"Of course not. I would never." She threw him an offended look, swishing her curls about her head in indignant fashion.

The Doctor began to advance on her. "How do you know? What did you do?"

River took a step back. "You're clever. Figure it out."

He stalked around her, looking at her from all angles. Yes, he was clever. Quite possibly the cleverest man in the universe. His synapses fired a thousand times faster than any human brain. He had access to a perfect log of memories including any and all data gathered from sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste, and the all important sixth sense. In his mind, there was a an entire wing dedicated to the woman called River Song. Each meeting, everything she'd ever said, all the times she had lied - and there were many, but he'd let it pass knowing that she was only protecting his future. Well, he didn't have a future now, and neither did she.

"There's something about you. You look amazing, by the way. Even though you didn't wear the dress. Again."

She smiled. "Why, thank you."

"Not that you don't always, but I remember what you said in Berlin. You were going to take the age down just a touch - to mess with people. You've been getting younger each time we meet. More or less."

"Yes. I did say that, didn't I?" Her eyes sparkled.

"In fact, I'd say you've never looked younger. Yet, you're old." The Doctor leaned in to her and sniffed her hair. "How old are you, River?"

"A gentleman should never ask a lady her age."

He smirked. "Well, you're no lady, are you?"

"Then what am I?"

He pulled back to take her all in. She was dressed all in black, except for her shoes, which were red. He'd seen those shoes before. The first time she'd worn them he'd almost had twin heart attacks. She had curves in all the right places, ones that his hands itched to cup and stroke. He knew instinctively that his hands were the perfect size for just such an endeavour and that he would have no difficulty conforming her curvy shape to his lanky frame. But it was the way she looked at him that made him forget to breathe.

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